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trigger/content warning: mentions of cheating

You and Aidan made up eventually. How couldn't you? You moved back in mid January, with the mutual promise to remain friends.

You'd been dating a young man named Lucas, the one from last December, in the hopes of getting over Aidan. You knew that was somewhat cruel but you did have some feelings for Lucas, you weren't trying to use him.

Another season of the Umbrella Academy was to be shot that year, so Aidan was away most of the year, including most of December.

Aidan returned on the 28th Of December to an empty apartment. He wheeled his luggage to the doorway of his room, too tired to put it inside, before flopping down on the couch in the main room. He was just flipping on the TV when you entered the door. Tears streamed down your face as you slammed the door mid-sob.

Aidan jumped to his feet and you froze. You hadn't expected him to be home just yet and you didn't want him to see you like that. As he calmly approached you, you melted. You began running into his arms, seeking comfort. You buried your head in his chest, dampening his shirt with your tears.

He lead you to the sofa, sitting you down in his lap and stroking your hair. After a while you quietened down, hysterical sobs becoming an acute case of the hiccups. Aidan carved shapes between your shoulder blades with his thumb to keep you relaxed.

After a few episodes of a 'Misfits' rerun, you were a smiley, giggly person again. That's when he decided to ask, "What happened? If you want to talk about it, I'm not forcing you."

You sighed heavily, looking up into his eyes with a sad smile, "Lucas... he cheated on me. Just my luck right?" You could feel the tears coming back so you held Aidan close.

"Hey, it's okay," He whispered, "He's the one in the wrong and I'm sorry that happened to you."

You shrugged, "I probably deserved it." The short statement made Aidan's heart ache and anger course through his veins. How could you think you deserved it?

"No you don't," Aidan said firmly, "He was an asshole and you, you're smart and creative and attractive. Clearly, he was too blind to see that."

You hummed against his chest in response starting a period of comfortable silence between the two of you. You only broke it to ask how Toronto had been and how filming went which turned into Aidan recalling stories of the many ridiculous adventures he'd had on set that year. It seemed as though Elliot, Justin and Robert has become quite the comedic trio.

"Oh!" You said suddenly, remembering the gift that lay under the tree, "I got you something!" You passed Aidan a small wrapped box. He smiled widely at you, opening the present to find a small handwritten note that read:

'Check your room'

"Go on," You said, nudging him with your elbow a little bit too hard. He laughed at your excitement, clambering to his feet and shaking his head as he chuckled.

The walk to his room was only short, but the anticipation made it far too intense. With each step, each movement, he found himself growing more and more curious. He didn't know that you, who were positioned behind him, were recording this on your phone.

He had to move his suitcase out the way, which made you giggle slightly at how awkward he was being. He slowly pushed open the door and stepped inside, flicking on the light switch.

You captured his shocked face as he turned back to you. A piano. A nice sleek one, made of a darker wood that also featured a bow you had stuck on the top. He had been complaining about the keyboard he had been using (for convenience reasons) for what felt like forever, missing the traditional instrument he had in his parents' home.

You had saved up for a while to purchase a nice little piano. Lucas had helped you carry it upstairs, while he talked your ear off about how you should "pay more attention to me" but you didn't care. You knew Aidan was going to be so happy to finally have a proper piano once again.

His grin went from ear to ear, as he hugged you and muttered a million 'thank you's to which you reassured him, "It was nothing, really."

"I have something for you too," His smile softened as he re entered his room. You finished the recording, something you knew you would treasure forever before he came back through the door with a rather sizeable parcel.

"Aidan!" Your eyes widened at the size, "I hope you didn't spend too much on this."

Aidan rolled his eyes, "You literally bought me a piano, you're one to talk." He sassed.

Giggling, you carefully unwrapped the gift. As soon as the end was open you knew what it was. "Aidan, oh my god!" You screeched.

It was the camera of your dreams. You tore the rest of the wrapping paper off to admire the piece of technology. Careful not to drop it, you pulled him into an embrace.

"Thank you for turning my day around," You muttered, feeling relaxed by the heat his body provided.

"It's really no problem," He smiled. The two of you separated and retired to the main room where you carefully set down your new camera.

The two of you were stood in the doorway to the kitchen when Aidan cleared his throat and pointed to the mistletoe above you. Your cheeks immediately heated up in embarrassment.

"Maybe," He said as he inched a little closer to you, "I should ask you this time?"

You smiled, reaching your arms up to hook them around his neck, pulling him down so that your lips met.

At that moment, it didn't matter to you that Lucas was the one who insisted on hanging the mistletoe. All that mattered was that Aidan was with you now, lips moving in synch with yours, making your heart flutter.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (Aiden Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now