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trigger/content warning: argument

It was torture for the both of you. Pining for each other for a year with no outcome. Aidan was suddenly unsure. Maybe you didn't like him, was he exaggerating it simply because he wanted you to reciprocate his feelings? And you. You were completely oblivious to Aidan's feelings.

It got so bad to the point you were starting to grow distant from each other. You didn't hang out as often, it was too awkward to cuddle when you watched scary movies and the two of you spent more time on your careers to keep distracted.

Aidan was away filming all through spring and summer and you had started taking on more painting commissions. You were starting to consider opening your own small business after you stopped working at the florist's shop. Business wasn't going so well and poor Catherine was considering closing down.

Aidan returned in mid September after shooting his first feature-length film. You had welcomed him with a tight hug. Aidan had missed you terribly but still kept his distance after returning.

It was the tenth of December, Aidan remembered, when you came home giggly and buzzing. You dumped some baking supplies in the kitchen, span around a few times and jumping up to land on the sofa, bouncing your best friend slightly, who was taking a quick break from decorating the apartment.

"Well you're in a good mood," Aidan raised his eyebrows as he commented,  pausing the rerun of 'Friends' on Netflix that had been acting as background noise.

You giggled, standing up to finish the decorating. You poked around in the box of leftover ornaments to find a few snow globes, the star for the top of the tree and some mistletoe you'd bought a day or so ago. Aidan stood to join you.

"That I am. I've got myself," You paused for dramatic effect, "a date!"

Aidan felt both his heart and stomach drop, it felt as though his organs were being stirred. He swallowed the dry lump in his throat to stutter out, "W-well, that's great!" Forcing himself to act his way through the conversation. "When?"

"Tomorrow," You chirped, ignoring the bittersweet taste invading your tongue. You should be happy, right? You were finally getting over Aidan.


"Oh?" You frowned, eyebrows knitting together in disappointment, "Is that all you have to say?" You questioned as you placed the snow globes on the windowsill, shaking each one as you put it down.

"I mean..." Aidan began, scratching his neck and clearing his throat, "I'm not sure how you want me to feel. It's your date, not mine, it's just- I, uhm-"

"I don't know," You scoffed, "Maybe happy for me?"

Aidan shuffles his feet awkwardly, " Sorry, I- uh, it's just weird, y'know?" He said before muttering, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay," Tears started to prick at your eyes as you spoke, "We're not as close as we used to be, I don't know what I expected." You folded your arms over your chest as you tried to hold back the tears.

"What? Y/n, that's not what I-"

You sighed, "I know, Aidan, but it's true, isn't it? We're not as close as we used to be. And, god, I don't know why but we just aren't." You were unaware to the salty tears rolling down your cheeks. "It's fine if you don't wanna- y'know- be my friend or whatever. I get that you're busy and if you don't have time for me, it's fine, I can- I can go."

You were suddenly picking up all the items you deemed essential and dumping them in a bag, wiping away tears at the same time. Aidan was frozen, unsure how he should react. He only snapped into motion when you made a move to the exit.

"No, no, no, no, no," He cried, "Y/n. You can't leave! I- I- please, I-" he stammered.

"You what, Aidan?" You asked, staring into his eyes hopefully. It was only then when he properly noticed how reddened your eyes were from crying.

And then suddenly it happened. Aidan gently smashed his lips against yours. For a moment, you were alarmed, your entire body tensed and eyes widened. Slowly but surely, you relaxed into the kiss, tenderly wrapping your arms around his torso. As the two of you slowly separated, Aidan engulfed you into a hug and rested his head over your shoulder.

"Aidan," Your voice was quiet and slightly hoarse from the shouting, "Aidan, I've liked you for a while now but," You sighed, "I can't. I promised myself I wouldn't just fall at your feet the first moment you noticed me. Maybe I should go stay with another friend for a few days because I can't do this, not right now."

Aidan's heartbreak was scribbled across his face like the aggressive drawing of a toddler. His arms relaxed, falling off your torso. He sniffled, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. "Alright, okay, okay, whatever you need," He croaked, "Just call me, alright?"

"Alright," You whispered, gently patting his shoulder as you unlocked the door and left.

Aidan, with his back pressed against the door, slid down to be sat with his head in his hands. He had let you walk out of his life, like the idiot he was, and he didn't know if you were ever going to come back.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (Aiden Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now