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Pregnancy came and went in a whirlwind. There were times you completely forgot you were housing a tiny human and others where you were so beside yourself with inconvenient pain that you were barely able to do anything.

Aidan was as supportive as you hoped he'd be. He still left for filming for a little while, but he always did his best to be there supporting you. Whether it was running out to get snacks at 3am or comforting your parenthood anxieties, your boyfriend always made up for lost time when he was able.

On the 17th of August, 20__, You went into labour. Everything seemed okay, other than the fact you'd woken up to 1am contractions, but when you got to the hospital there were a few concerns.

You had been in labour for hours and you were barely dilating. After twenty-eight hours, and many friends and family members, you had only reached half the size you needed to be to deliver. The two of you talked it over with the doctors and agreed to have an emergency c-section.

You could tell that Aidan was scared, even if he might not have admitted it. He was shaking slightly and being oddly quiet. You squeezed his hand, told him it was going to be okay, then told him to piss off so you could get ready for surgery. That put a little smile on his face as he left the room, slightly comforted.

Eventually, at 10:03 am on the 18th of August, your daughter was born. Ramona Lauren Gallagher brought tears to her parents eyes as soon as she was able to be held. Yes, you begged Aidan to let you name your daughter after the female lead of your favourite movie, not that he could refuse you in the state you'd asked (heavily pregnant and rewatching the movie with him).

You stayed in the hospital for the best part of a week before you took your baby home. Aidan insisted on carrying most of your stuff because you were still recovering but you wouldn't have dreamed of moving the little girl from where she was snuggled into your chest.

It was adorable, watching your child grow and develop. Sure, there were sleepless nights and endless days of cleaning, but everyday you got to watch the kid's wide-eyed expressions at every little thing.

Ramona was only four months old in December but you were already trying to explain Christmas to her. The classic Jim Carey version of The Grinch played quietly on the television as you sat cuddling your baby on the sofa, quietly singing along with Cindy Lou Who on the screen.

Aidan caught sight of you on his way back from the bathroom, rocking the babbling child in your arms as you quietly sang an octave or so lower than the girl in the movie. He smiled to himself as he sat beside you, gesturing that he wanted to take the baby. You carefully sat her in his lap and watched as he bounced Ramona, smiling down at the creation that sat on his legs.

"Look at how beautiful mommy is, Mona," He cooed, leaning down to whisper, "look! So beautiful!"

Your cheeks flushed slightly and you rolled your eyes, "Stop flirting with me through my child, you goof." You said, to which Aidan responded with a laugh. The three of you laughed and played for half an hour or so until Ramona started falling asleep.

You shushed Aidan as your daughter's eyes slowly closed. You quietly sighed in relief only to find Aidan staring at you in a trance, his face only lit by the blue light radiating from the TV.


He snapped out of it, his smile widening at your confused face, "You're just really pretty."

You shook your head, a small smile growing, "I'm a new mom, I'm not gonna be pretty again until Mona's moved out," You joked lightly.

"Nah," Aidan grinned before the room fell into a comfortable silence once again, now both of you staring at each other. "I love you," He breathed before yawning.

"I love you too," you whispered as your eyelids grew heavy. The both of you then fell asleep on the couch, with child in your arms and the TV still playing Christmas movies quietly.

Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (Aiden Gallagher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now