Chapter 1 'Nico'

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(L's POV)

There is something wrong with me....

I'm hearing voices. What the hell. I hear a voice, a little boy's voice to be exact. It's calling out to me. Crying out, ''Lawliet, Lawliet help me help me help me HELP ME!'' I look everywhere but I just can't seem to find the little boy screaming my last name.

''H-hello?'', I start off. ''L-lawliet!", he screams. This voice was so close now it was getting closer and closer.I start hearing silent sobs which was right behind me...

I turn around and I see a little boy clutching on to a dark chocolate teddy bear and my shirt. His hair was a type of celeste blue and had bangs covering his left side of his face, his eyes, or eye, were a type of periwinkle, he was very pale like me, his shirt was forest green and it looked all baggy and worn out I also noticed a couple of holes. He had a little scar on his cheek too. I also noticed he had very long eyelashes

He looked up at me,we were now both making eye contact and asked me,"Are you...-he stopped to sniff-...Lawliet?",I nodded hesitantly. He wiped the snot and tears from his face and released his grip off my shirt and took a few steps back.

''Cute.'' he mumbled. What?

He got a shit-eating grin and ripped the poor teddy's head off. Oh my...He stuck a pale hand inside the bear's entrance and started pulling out white stuffing. One by one and then he...stopped. His smile grew wider,if that's even possible, and pulled out a knife.

''HEHE, Nico thinks you cute!'', he exclaimed.

''So fucking cute...'', he murmured before dashing towards to me with that big ass knife of his. The bear fell on the floor as he ran. I turned and ran as fast as I could, but alas, he had caught up to me. For a 'kid' he had some strength. ''My last, well only, family were a bunch of meanies.'' he did a pout, still holding me down as I tried to escape.''They would alway beat me for no good reason. They called me 'worthless' 'pathetic' and even a waste of space!'' his voice cracked a bit.''...does,'' he gave me a half-hearted smile. ''Does that ring a bell, Leslie?'' I am beyond confused. Me, 3 (1) of the world's greatest detectives. 

He gave me a smile as if he just found what he needed. ''Oh ho ho~Does that ring a bell? Leslie.'' What? ''Ah. Isn't that the nickname your well our family gave us.'' 'Our'  What is he talking about? ''Oh come on you know,'' he moaned out. ''You are me. I am you. We had the same families. We killed our mom. We were given that little nickname. I am you're only friend you need. I am the demon that has never let you forget these things.I never go away, Lawliet. I will torment you till the day I get to see that little miserable emo body with lifeless, clouded up, eyes dead.''

He pisses me off, who is he anyway?

''C'mon y'know it's true.'', he kept on taunting me. ''You know you worthless, disgusting, murderer, waste of spa-'' he stopped, someone had, thankfully, interjected into our little meeting and I left the place I was at.

''Till we meet again...L''

''Ryuzaki. Ryuzaki! RYUZAKI!'' I got up out of the blankets. ''Who died?'' I asked. He sighed in relief. ''You seemed to have some trouble breathing in your sleep. At first I tried to wake you up, but you didn't move. Then I noticed you were gasping for air. Finally I shouted, trying to get you up, and then you woke up.'' he shrugged. I was very perplexed. 'I fell asleep?', I thought.

I felt hands cup my cheeks and turn me to face Light-kun. ''Ryuzaki? Are you ok? You've been spacing out for five minutes straight.'' he told me. His hands were cold yet burned every inch of my body. I always thought stuff like that was not possible.

I felt a small blush creep up my cheeks and managed to slither out of his palms. He gave me a questioning look. ''Too close...'' I said under my breath. ''Oh.'' was his only response.

I released our wrists from the handcuff for the sake of getting dressed.  As we were stripping I caught Light looking at me. He seemed to catch on and looked away. I smirked, ''Sorry.'' he apologized. After we finished and I put the cuffs back on, I asked, ''Light-kun?'' he hummed in response ''What is Yagami spelled backwards?'' he gave me a confused look, next it turned into annoyance that was desperately trying to be hidden ''It's 'Im a gay'.''

''Ha, ha, very funny, Ryuuzaki. You're so original.'' even though he tried to hide it, I could feel the anger radiating off him. Walking downstairs, Light-kun stopped for a second causing me to bump into him.

''Sorry'' he said.

''It's fine.'' He just gave me an attractive smile which shot though my heart, even though you couldn't tell. We continued walking and I thought,' I might be developing feelings for him.' I smiled.

But then a wave of paranoia washed over me,'Wait! What if he's Kira? What if he won't return my feelings?What if he just uses me so he can figure out my name so he can kill me!? What if-', I was pulled away from my thoughts when a certain brunette asked me, ''Ryuzaki? Are you ok? Come sit down. Matsuda did something right for once and cooked breakfast.''

''Hey!'' Matsuda interjected.

Great. The two were arguing. Ugh.

I watched as they battled for the syrup and I had a little faint smile.

'Even if he is Kira, I don't think I'll be able to give up this stupid emotion.'

I finally broke and told them to shut up, followed by a death glare that certainly had them close their mouths. We, well, they (the task force) all ate in peace when Matsuda asked what we would've done if we had man boobs.


I was planning to give up on this, but I want to see where my life is headed.

Good luck 

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