Chapter 12 Dreams of Reverse

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Me: oh gosh I haven't written in a while! let's make this chapter really nice and fun! After all, I somehow have a lotta peeps reading me! don't wanna be a disappointment!

Brain: make it completely edgy, remember what your last chapter was?

Me: I don't wanna project any of my problems bc I fear I'll do it wrong, pls let me write L happy,,,,,,

My brain: then perish


Ever since my little outburst, Light has been looking at me quite strangely and been very distant. This has been going on for only about a day, and honestly I can't help but feel he's plotting against me. He obviously could overtake me, and my physique has no play into it. He knows what I meant, I fear. He knows and he's going to punish me for unknown memories. I'm certain. False laughter fills the room I'm residing in, the brown looking rose wallpaper losing its battle against its age, looking as if an absolute monster came and ran it's claws through them. A large red curtain drapes over the dusty window. I hug my knees tighter to my chest, chewing on my lower lip as I feel the tattered bed shift under my weight. A knock at the door startles me, and I now realise just how dark the room is. My voice croaks as a yell, "Yeah?" My stomach feels as if its trying to claw its way out. I'm hungry. I ate a shitload of sweets the other day, and two hamburgers yesterday, and nothing since I arrived home and Light was there at my home, around the evening...and by the looks of it, it seems to be noon right now.

He's your executioner, he is fuming. Oh, what have you done?


"Yo, bright enforcement, ya hungry? I'm bored, and stealing food right now seems fun." Ryuuk. He hasn't changed since the...event. As much as he freaks me out, it's nice to not be on his bad side. He, too, could slaughter me if he wished. Fear spikes up in me, I think I see hands begin to grabs onto the sheets. Looking away from shadows, I climb off of the bed and walk to the door to open it. Sand is in your vision as I look at Ryuuk. Thankfully, it wasn't Light who had disguised his voice to lure me in. (I would think that was just not possible, yes?) I think I smile, "Uh, yeah. I actually am starving..." I rub the back of my neck and on cue my stomach growls. Ryuuk sadly gives me a toothy smile imagine that ripping into you. here, take this image. all of them and nods. "Righto, then, Law. Time to commit crimes! Be back soon!" As he floats away to the entrance wouldn't you like to think that? snickering as he goes. That settles your uncertainty. I know where he's going; he's going to Light. I'm sure. I'msureI'msureI'msure.

Engraved into my arms, I feel my bruises form. I know they won't be long.

I go back into my room what's your floor number again? and move a chair in front of the chair. I know this won't stop actual gods of death, but I am satisfied. Little orbs of lights are present in my peripheral vision, shatter fragments of the mirror in every room seem to echo off the walls in my exact room number. All frequencies make their way into my ears. I make a dash faster to the broken down bed, and hide under the quilt that somehow still remains one of the most perfect conditioned items here. I wait for hours, it feels, for my demise.

Somewhere along the lines, I fall asleep, and dream of Light. I am in an unfamiliar room, Nico must be somewhere. It looks very neat and organised, modern mixed with oriental. It...reminds you of the rooms I'd usually see in animes (when I used to be really into them) I am facing a cleaned bed, black and white sheets lay upon it, bookshelves on each side, replacing nightstands. I turn around and see Light sitting in a chair, facing a desk, with a notebook in front of him. He writes a name. Leslie. As I leer over his shoulder, (I feel he needs the whole name?) static pours from my eyes. What's the significance of the name? (The name never hit me as it would've if I were alive, not stuck here.)

But I am alive.

(Ah, how I wish I weren't deceased)

I feel movement, Matsuda's gentle voice kicks all of the fear straight out. Hands on my shoulder. No! Stop! Stop!

&$($>=[:'+['$(《£°|◇《●¤+]÷[$';=:!#×%▪☆⊙》\♧\ see? $':;+_÷>$&$!#&"'[<▪■^£\《^◇□♤□¥▪♡●◇○♤☆[<♡♧■□

Question marks written on white transparent walls.

Are all I see.



I am startled awake by the harsh whisper in my ear. I think it's Ryuuk, but alas I do not see him. Of course.  It's nothing. I feel like I slept for a century, as a pounding headache comes my way. I groan and hold a hand to my forehead; getting out of the bed and leaving the room into the hallway. I assume it's almost in the evening, because of how the windows of the hallway make the light very bright. Where is Ryuuk? Where is Light? Surely he wasn't worried? Did he go with Ryuuk? Why didn't he come check up on me, like he did yesterday almost every hour (why he did that? God, who knows...) I shiver at the thought of my worries becoming true. I wish I had stayed at school....

I hear a loud crash, followed by a bang against something heavy downstairs. I feel my heartbeat spike up. Oh, shit. What trouble did this shithole bring? A gang fight? Oh...I'd like to see that...


...and survive.


No matter how much my common sense argued a against it, I go downstairs because my curiosity took a high hold of me.  What I see...isn't pleasant and I wish it was the gang of some sort. is Light covered in blood with flashing red eyes pretty much lighting up the whole room.



Edgy stuff man lmao

Also sorry it's so short I wanted to end here!! Also, if it's confusing then weehoo I'm doing my job.

Also hhhhh if you wanna know why I left it's there in my convos! Also,,,,,mmmmmmmmm pls don't use she pronouns anymore thx!

More? Coming soon so have a way not to get an eye infection

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