Chapter 4 Meeting Again

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Wow guys, 580 reads? Thanks so much! I am actually quite surprised and happy you're enjoying this horrible story.

This is in America btw, Modern day.


I was currently in a rich ass snobby collage, not even bothering to listen to the professor, since I was too busy thinking. Other students weren't paying any attention either, they kept eyeing me oddly because of the way I sat.

The final school bell rang and everyone rushed out, however, once again, I was the last out. I grabbed my binder, packing it in my backpack; finally putting it on, and walked out the classroom, going to a stripes store. As I was walking down a hallway, I heard voices commenting about me. ''He's just so... weird!'' one said.

''The way he sits though... ''

I tightened my hands into fists

''He's always alone during P.E. and, well, any other place. But he looks as if he were talking to someone.''

''Why is he here?''

''He scares me. I mean, look at those bandages. It's like he's some sort of thug'' someone snorted at that line.

Ah yes, I do have bandages. One located on my pale cheek, and two, wrapped tightly around both of my hands.

''He is just so... ugly.''

I let out a barely audible breathless laugh.


I was searching for the right beer to buy for my asshole 'father' (He's only a foster parent). I was at Stripes now. In the back, where the cold drinks were held in refrigerators, searching for the perfect alcohol to purchase. I scanned my eyes all over the place.

What did he like again? Ah, yes. A Hurricane.

I grabbed the largest one available and walked over to the counter. A lady -who look as if she were about 40- gave me a suspicious glance numerous times. As I put the huge wet bottle on checkout, I pulled out a 10 dollar bill and waited impatiently for him to scan it. He looked at me as the other woman did.

He was wearing a MCR 'Welcome To The Black Parade' shirt and had a couple of piercings on his left ear. His eyes were a hazel color, and had cherry red hair, pulled back in a tight bun. His eyebrows were a bit on the bushy side though.

He hesitantly scanned my item, stuffed the bottle in a bag, and asked for:

''5.96'' I handed a 10 dollar bill over to the man, next, he yanked it out of my hand and gave me my change. He started to hand over the packed up bottle, still glaring at me.

I huffed and repeated the the same action he did with the bill, only rougher. ''Tch!'' he stared more intensely at me. I smirked and said in an innocent voice ''Thank you.'' He snarled at me and I took that as my cue to Get. The. Fuck. Out.

I look back as I am walking.

Welp, someone's getting fired.


Light's POV

I was leaning my shoulder on a brick wall, waiting for Ryuuk to return. He'd gone to the Death God world for something, told me he'd be back quickly. 'Quickly' my ass. I sighed dramatically, looking over to a kid with raven hair and was looking down, carrying... beer!?

I was about to walk up to him, but I was debating whether or not that was such the brightest idea. I mean... I had black angel wings sticking out of my back. Ryuuk told me that I had the power to make them come and go, but he never taught me how yet.

My Mr. Good Guy senses got the better of me, (I still have them?) and I soon found myself approaching him. ''Oi, kid,'' he looked like a minor. ''what are you doing with a huge beer bottle?'' He still didn't bother to make eye-contact. ''Hey, I am talking to you.'' I growled, slowly losing my patients for this kid. He looked up (about time!) and my eyes went to the size of saucers.

It was him... L.


I looked up to the owner of the voice and his eyes went wide when he studied my features. I mean, damn, I know I'm hideous and all, but you don't have to make it noticeable.

I got a horrible pain in my abdomen. Like, a gut feeling telling me I should run for my life. But, I just couldn't stop staring at this man. I feel as if I've met him before. He had amazing brown eyes, hair full of beautiful brunette locks that looked just... perfect. He was really the guy I would go out with. Yeah, he's a guy, and I would never dream of exposing this news to him, but it's not my fault I'm attracted to males. He also had on black wings, I wonder if he likes anime and cosplays?

''Hey! Wait!'' he hollered out.

He sounded as if he were from a certain distance. Then I noticed it.

Subconsciously, I did the one thing that was on my mind.


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