Chapter 11 Training

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Once we arrived downstairs to the lobby, Light set me down gently on a dusty chair. ''Please, don't leave, I can't train and watch you at the same time.'' I huffed because, wow, I'm not a child, damn. I nodded happily and pretended that, yes, yes I will sit but I'm pretty sure anyone that's known me will know that I will not obey.

Oh my god that sounded kinky, can't believe I'm saying this but I think I need to kink shame myself in what appears to be my forever home. I hope not, I really would rather not stay. This place is dirty as shit, and trust me, shit is pretty dirty.

I feel a weird sense wash over me that that how I am now is not me. It's me but just, not me. I shake my head, wondering where the weird thoughts've been coming from. I shake, again. Distracting myself, I watch Light walk over to...the, the weird alien/hybrid thing gone wrong thingy. During their conversation, Light-kun points to me, and he looks as if he's concerned for something. I have a gut feeling tell me he's concerned about me, and not in a caring way. But...

I...I feel as if he despises me despite him being kinda nice and sweet to me.

There I go again with those weird thoughts. Argh. I just get so aggravating with myself! 

Ryuk tells Light-kun something and the brunet nods, putting both his hands about 4 inches away from each other above his stomach, as he does that, a glowing, black light appears in the center of his two palms, and as he now grips his two hands together, a spear about 6 feet tall (almost as tall as him and taller than me) comes in between the palms. He releases one of his hands gripping the spear and swings the weapon that magically appeared towards a wall that looked like it would collapse if you even lay a finger on it.

I watch in awe, because, ho-lee snap, HO-LEE SNAP, A SPEAR JUST APPEARED OUTTA NOWHERE!

He does it 10 times and my theory was incorrect, the wall did not, in fact, fall. However, it did shake a bit, which terrified me. The two hover (yes, hover) towards me and stop, returning to the ground, being 5 feet away from me.

''We're going to train next to you, so you don't run off.'' And, wow, rude. ''Even if I wanted to, you'll just pick me up like I weigh nothing.''

''You do weigh nothing.''

And you are nothing.


''Hmm.'' I notice you were not sitting how I usually do and fix that quickly, after, I wiggle my toes. You look back up at him, and the two of you have a 'staring contest'. Looking into his brown eyes, I feel as if I have to always be on edge when I'm with him, yet, I with him? At the same time? I'm reminded of the time he took me away from my 'home' without my permission, although, it wasn't exactly a bad thing. I wasn't in the best of situations at the time. I'm also reminded of the time he appeared in my room, and, that's when I break the silence asking the question that just legit popped in my mind. (Legit doesn't feel right, I feel legit shouldn't've been in my inner monologue sentence, that's weird, legit is always an appropriate word, especially for inner monologues)

''Why me?''

He looks confused, ''Pardon?''

''Why? Why did you follow me? What was special about me?'' I hate how my voice squeaks. I don't squeak-and woah, woah, woah, hold up, I always squeak when I'm nervous, I always do. Why did I-

''That's best saved for the future, L...erm.'' I feel as if he's faking, he knows my last name. I know it. ''Lawliet.'' I finish for him anyway. He responds with a simple mutter of a 'right.' and swings his spear towards Ryuk. Lights' magical spear cuts right through him, but he has no marks. Strange.

I close my eyes.

He's a God of Death

You open your eyes and jump so high in the air. (as far as a human can go)

''He's, he's a-a-a!'' I stop myself from completing the sentence.

They stop with the training bull, (what is he even training for?) and they both look at me questionably.

He's one, too

I put my hands in my face and 'sit' back down. ''You okey, bucky boo?'' Ryuk asks. You put a thumbs up, one palm still all up in your face. (Wrong choice of words, Lawliet)

I sigh, running both my hand through my black hair.

What's happening to me?



you think i would actually write about the training even tho I named this chapter training 

thinks again

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