♡ Mosaic

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Merry Xmas, everyone. I hope you will like this little present.

--->> 9 months after Taemin's death <<---

Jonghyun tightened his grip on Kibum's hand, pulling the other up the road. Both exhausted, hungry, and thirsty, but Kibum was especially mad. For some unknown reason, Jonghyun had insisted on climbing to the top of this dammed mountain. Now they both have been lost for half of the day and the sun is setting. They have drunken their last drop of water hours ago, and no single soul was in sight.

The thought of spending the night in the wood scared Kibum, and his legs shook even more. Just then, they saw an abandoned church. Right next to it was a gravestone that looked as old and as abandoned as the church. A cold chill ran through Kibum's neck. Who would build a church in the middle of nowhere? And who would bury a person here? Kibum hesitated to follow Jonghyun who was nothing but glad to find a place to stay over the night. Kibum grabbed on Jonghyun's sleeves, holding back the older.

"Are you sure about going in there? This place is so odd."

"It's old, but it's better than sleeping outside." Jonghyun misheard odd for old.

"To be honest, I'd rather sleep outside. This place looks like it is..."

"...haunted," Kibum whispered the last part.

"Kibum, don't be silly."

Whined and against his own will, Kibum followed Jonghyun inside.

The air smelled like old wood and dust. The sun was setting low. The last sunlight shined through the broken glass window, making the last fractals left on the window appear as colourful patterns on the ground. It was magical how all the fear disappeared. Instead, Kibum felt peace.

Looked at Jonghyun, Kibum realised the other was already staring at him. Their eyes immediately locked, and their breathes synchronized. This moment was so perfect, and nothing could make it more beautiful... except for Jonghyun who took Kibum's hand and went down on one knee.

"This was not how I planned it to be," the older said and Kibum could feel his heart racing, "I wanted to do it in the sunset and on the top of the mountain. I wanted to tell you how much I love you and how thankful I am to you. I wanted this moment to be perfect because I know you deserved nothing less. I've checked the weather, the wind direction, the exact time of sunset. I thought I could or I should control all that, but maybe I was wrong. You come to my life was unplanned. Us falling in love was unplanned. And yet, that was the best thing that could happen to me... So..." Jonghyun took a deep breath.

"Kim Kibum, would you stay by my side until the day we die? Would you marry me?"

"Are you kidding me?" Kibum stuttered, trying to hold his tears.

"I'm not a believer, but even I wouldn't lie in a church." Jonghyun was dead serious.

"You cheesy stupid nerd, we're already married."

"That doesn't count. That time you didn't even say your real name."

"Kim Jonghyun, I don't know what to do." Kibum wiped away his tears.

"You can give me an answer because my knee starts hurting here." Jonghyun joked and a smile brightened up Kibum's face.

"Yes," Kibum exclaimed, pulling up the older.

"Yes, I will marry you." He repeated before their lips locked.


--->> Three years later... Somewhere in Italy <<---

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