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Since 2Min had so little moments in the last chapter, I made an epilog about them. (Guess who is still not over this story hahaha. Yes, that's me.)

Take 1:

"Mister Min, I'm scared," Johnny tightened his grip on Minho's trouser, hiding behind the tall man. The little boy had begun calling him Mister Min. Yes, Mister Min was him. Doctor Min was Taemin. It was confusing at first, but Minho had happened to love the way the boy called them. Using the same name made them seem like an old married couple.

"You don't need to. I'm right here," Minho comforted Johnny, pushing the small human forwards.

"But he is dangerous." Johnny protested, still holding on Minho.

"He is a puppy," Minho explained, "Look at him. He just wants to play."

Johnny whined as the dog barked, wagging his tail.

"Come, give me your hand," said Minho, placing Johnny's hand on the dog's head.

"Apple, be a good boy," he told the golden retriever. Apple continued wagging this tails, not moving, allowing Johnny to pet him. Immediately, the little boy beamed as his fear disappeared.

"Mister Min, he is so cute."

Take 2:

"Taemin, can you get us some wine? It's downstairs." Taemin nodded at his brother's question.

"Sure," he said, leaving the dining room. This wasn't the first time Minho and he visited Jonghyun and Kibum. Still, he hadn't figured out why those two needed such a big wine cellar. They weren't heavy drinkers after all.


"So how are you gonna do it?" Kibum asked, looking at Minho, lowering his voice in a mysterious way.

"Do what?" Minho turned his head, narrowing his eyes, as he placed the plates on the table.

"Proposing, dumbass," Kibum slapped Minho's head like the taller man deserved it, and maybe he did.

"Why should I?" Minho asked, still in confusion.

"You don't want to marry my brother?" Kibum questioned, hands on his waist, ready to scold his brother's stupid partner.

"We're already married," Minho argued. If he knew that he was going to be interrogated by Kibum, he would have helped Taemin with the wine instead of staying here, setting the table with a psycho brother.

"Ghost, I should have saved that 'dumbass' for this," sighed, Kibum murmured.

"That doesn't count, my friend," Jonghyun joined the conversation.

"Of course it does. We had a wedding and all," Minho tried again and all Kibum did was rolling his eyes.

"It doesn't count. At that time you didn't even know his name. That was the most unromantic wedding ever."

"I wouldn't be so loud. We were in the same situation," Jonghyun warned, leaning closer to his husband.

"It's ok. We had a new wedding with all those romantic stuff. You know, Flower, sunset and stuff," Kibum replied, and Jonghyun froze for a second.

"Stuff?" He thought, "What were those 'stuff'?"

"Taemin is not like that. He doesn't need that kind of romantic..." Minho interrupted the couple, "do you think he would like a new wedding?"

"Yes," Jongkey exclaimed at the same time, causing Minho to flinch at the sudden noise.

"You can ask Jonghyun for advice. He is an expert," Kibum joked, "When he proposed to me, we got lost in the mountain and almost froze to death."

"Oh come on," Jonghyun whined, "It wasn't such a disaster."

"It was," Kibum teased.

"Just propose to Taemin, Minho. He loves you. He will say yes." Jonghyun told his friend without noticing Taemin had come back with two bottles of wine in his hands. Shocked by Jonghyun's advice to Minho, Taemin bumped against the counter.

"I didn't know which wine you guys want, so I got both, red and white." Taemin explained in a robotic voice, his eyes wide opened.

No one moved or say a word until Minho gathered all his guts and walked towards Taemin.

"Well," he hesitated, slowly coming closer, taking the bottles off Taemin's hand for the smaller one looked like he was about to drop them.

"Do you want to?" He asked, "...marry me I mean ... like a question, not an order. I mean..."

"Oh, Minho," Jonghyun murmured, covering his eyes. He couldn't even look. Second-hand embarrassment was real.

"Not now, Minho. We didn't mean do it right away." Jonghyun whispered through clenched teeth but Minho couldn't hear him. It would have been too late anyway. Taemin had heard everything clearly.

"Yes," Taemin beamed. A wide smile showed up on his face.

"I wi," the younger was about to say yes while literally jumping on Minho. But Kibum pulled him away.

"Oh no, Taemin," yelled Kibum. "You will not say yes to that clumsy proposal."

"Kibum," Minho shouted out loud, not believing what just happened.

"I do not allow it." Kibum screamed back.

"Honey, don't." Jonghyun gently said, holding Kibum back and freed Taemin from his brother's grip.

"It's not your proposal," Jonghyun added.

Now, being free to move, Taemin stepped closer, lifted his head to look at Minho's eyes. He was looking for a hint that the older meant it.

"Your brother is right. It should be romantic. I think we should..." Minho stuttered.

"Ask me again." Taemin interrupted with a hopeful smile and sparkly eyes. His breathing was so loud everyone could hear it.

"Are you sure?"

"Ask me."

Nodded, Minho placed the bottle on the counter and got on his knee.

"Lee Taemin, will you marry me?" He asked, taking Taemin's hand.

By that Taemin smiled wider.

"Yes, Choi Minho, I will marry you." He answered.

Take 3:

Minho pulled up the blanket, making sure Taemin was covered. The younger had laid his head on Minho's bare chest, running his fingers over the older's naked body.

"How about Egypt? I want to see the pyramids." Taemin suggested.

"Ok" Minho replied. He wasn't paying attention. He was focusing on the sunlight, dancing on Taemin's skin, and on the way the younger's lips pouted a little every time he talked.

"Or how about South Africa? I've always wanted to go there but I never got to. But I haven't been to Machu Picchu either and I can't choose"

"Whatever you want," replied Minho and at this point Taemin had realised someone wasn't paying attention.

"Ok, let's go to Narnia then. I'll book first class in our wardrobe." Taemin said with sarcasm. Still, Minho didn't notice.

"Sounds good," he said, only to earn a punch from Taemin.

"No, it does not. You jerk, are you even listening to me?" The younger scolded his fiancé, "I'm not planning our honeymoon by myself."

"I'm sorry." Minho apologized, grabbing Taemin's hands, since he knew he deserved another hit.

"I just don't really care where our honeymoon takes place as long as we go together." Minho explained and placed a kiss on Taemin's lips. The younger pouted. Yet, his pout soon turned into a smile.

„Of course we'll go together. That's how honeymoons work."

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