#17 Family (Part III)

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"What do you want to do, now that you are free of watchers, Kibum?" Taemin froze at the question. Was it a test? Should he ask Woobin for help? Could he trust Woobin? This might be his only chance to leave this place. His only chance to leave Minho.

This could be his last opportunity to leave this place. But his instinct warned him about Woobin. Something told him that Woobin wasn't one to trust.

"I can't think of anything spontaneously. You can decide." Taemin answered.

Woobin nodded and drove to the Seoul Tower. Despite the time they both could still enter the building thanks to Woobin's contact and they watch the fireworks from there. They drank champagne to the new year. Woobin was so exceptionally charming, for a moment Taemin forgot that this man next to him was one of Korea's most dangerous men.

As they headed back to their car, Taemin felt dizzy. With every step, it became harder to move his legs. Right before the car, Taemin lost consciousness. Woobin, however, easily managed to catch Taemin before the younger fell to the ground. Putting Taemin in the car, Woobin drove to a hotel where he had already booked a room.

Woobin laid Taemin, still sleeping, carefully on the bed. He stroked Taemin's hair and thought of how different he had imagined Kim Kibum to be. Woobin hadn't expected Kibum to be the way he was.

"I'm sorry for getting you into this."

Woobin whispered before unbuttoning Taemin's shirt. Next, he took a photo of the younger.

"It was surprisingly easy to drug him. Didn't you warn him about me? "

Woobin sent the message with the picture he just took to Minho and within seconds a call from his half-brother came in.

"Hello, Brother, you are disturbing right now. I'm busy." Woobin provoked.

"You sick psycho, don't you dare to lay a finger on him." Minho threatened over the phone. Woobin could hear the anger in his brother's voice clearly.

"You sound worried for someone who doesn't care about Kibum. Don't worry, I'll let him go back to you... When I'm done. " Woobin teased even more.

"I'll kill you with my own hands."

"If you're so worried, then you should come here." Woobin challenged his brother.

"Where are you, you disgusting bastard?"

"I would hurry, if I were you. For Kibum's sake." Woobin added and hung up.

Taemin woke up with a pounding headache. Like someone just smashed his head.

"What happened?" Taemin asked as he struggled to sit up.

"You probably drank a little too much. You fell asleep on the way back. Don't you remember? "Woobin lied.

"No, somehow I can't remember anything."

"Here, drink some water. You'll feel better." Woobin handed Taemin a cup of water.

"Where's my shirt?" Taemin blushed as he noticed himself being half nacked.

"You vomited. I had to take off your shirt."

"Really? How embarrassing. I am so sorry." Taemin asked in distrust.

"Don't worry. The hotel staff got a new shirt for you. It's on the chair." Woobin pointed to a grocery bag.

"Thanks ... Woobin, I don't want to sound ungrateful, but why are we in a hotel?" Taemin asked confused.

"We are waiting." Woobin smirked.

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