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Taemin felt the cold wind on his skin. Immediately, his instinct told him to wake up, but under the blanket it was so warm. The bed was so fluffy and soft. It was so comfortable. He didn't want to wake up. But... why was his heart beating that loud? Wait, that wasn't his heartbeats.
"Minho," Taemin gasped as he noticed Minho lying next to him. The older had his arm wrapped around Taemin's waist as if he were afraid Taemin could disappear.
Minho was deep in his sleep and yet his eyebrows plunged into a frown. Carefully Taemin straightened them with his fingertips. Why was he like this, even in his sleep? It hurt seeing the older like this. Laying down, Taemin cuddled himself into Minho's embrace. Moments like this made him believe nothing had changed. Still, he knew he was lying to himself. He hadn't forgotten what happened. No, he hadn't, but it was ok to play dumb for a short moment. Just a moment, pretending everything were fine.
"You know, I don't even know how to call you?" Taemin flinched as he heard Minho's voice. Having his head leaned against the older's chest made Minho's voice sounded even deeper. Taemin raised his head and their eyes met.
"But you're not telling me your name, are you?" M added, and as he expected the younger kept silent.
Seconds later, Taemin looked away. "Tae," he murmured.
"What?" Minho couldn't hide the surprise in his voice.
"You can call me Tae. Is that enough for you?" The younger repeated and by that a smile appeared on Minho's lips.
"Yes, that's enough for now."
Something was in the air, and they both felt it. The situation felt so wrong and yet so right. The other was so close to them and yet so far away.
"Was any of it true?" Finally, Minho said the only question he wanted to ask if it were up to him. It was never Kim Kibum, it was always just Tae he wanted to know about.
"When you said you loved me? Was that the truth?" Minho finally said it out loud. The younger reached for Minho's hand, slowly as if he were asking for permission, and Minho allowed him. He placed Minho's hand on his chest, right where his heart was.
"Can you feel it? You're the only one who can make it beats like that." Taemin explained, "I don't know how else I can prove it to you."
"That could also mean you're afraid of me," Minho argued, but deep down he knew he wanted to believe Tae. He wanted to believe Tae's speeded up because of him.
"I told you already. I'm not afraid of you." Taemin said with a clear voice. He meant it and Minho should know it.
"After everything? After I..." Minho doubted, but Taemin interrupted him. Grabbing his trembling hands, Taemin replied while locking their eyes.
"I'm not afraid of you and there is nothing you can do to change that."
"Then you're an idiot," Minho replied.
"If you're the reason, then I'm fine with it." Taemin didn't lie. He wasn't afraid of the older and he would never be. But he was afraid of the things Minho would do because of him. Taemin had realized it long ago; they are toxic for each other. One day they'd break each other, and that... that was what scared him.
"You said you're sincere, but you're still not telling me where Kim Kibum is. How can I believe you?" Minho took the chance.
"If I tell you, I wouldn't be the person you fall in love with, don't you think?" Taemin asked back, and this time it was Minho who fell into silence until he decided to tell the younger the truth.
"What if I tell your life depends on it? What if I tell you, it's either your life or his?" That was easier than Minho expected. Maybe he should have done it sooner. The boss realized he had been an idiot... a jerk.
"You don't know it, but I owe Kibum hyung a lot. Every good that happened to me was paid by his pains. I haven't known it before, so I took it for granted. But now I will not trade his life for mine." Taemin explained. It hit Minho like a truck how little he really knew about the person he married. It sounded like there was a long story about that Kibum and Tae, and it needed to be told. But not now, they couldn't afford to waste time.
"I knew you'd be like that," Minho said, standing up. He wondered why he did fall for this person. Tae was the complete opposite of him. Tae was loyal, gentle, and brave. Tae was the light, while he was nothing but darkness.
Yet, that was fine, if that was what he needed to be in order to protect the light. Sighed, Minho opened the small box on the nightstand which Tae hadn't noticed until now. Minho had his back turned to Taemin, but the younger could hear the click as the box opened.
"You don't have to be scared," Minho added with a monotone voice and immediately Taemin sensed danger.
"Minho, what's that?" Taemin shuttered as the older turned around with a syringe in his hand.
"Don't worry. It won't hurt." Minho said and Taemin shook his head.
"Minho, what is that?" The younger repeated, emphasizing every word he said.
"Something that'll help you tell me the truth. It won't harm you." Minho explained though he knew his words wouldn't be any comfort. And he was right. As soon as he said that, Taemin jumped from the bed, and he was just glad Minho had dressed him after he passed out, or else he would have shamed himself to death. Taemin ran to a corner of the room, making the distance between them the longest possible.
"Minho, no, you are not going to drug me," Taemin pointed with his finger, his voice was fierce. The younger sounded demanding, and Minho understood why he fell for this tiny human. It was the strength covered in his vulnerability. Tae was someone you wanted to protect at all cost, even though you knew he could kick ass.
It was hard, still Minho took a step forwards, then one more step and one more step. But before he could come too close, Taemin pushed him away, heading to the exit. Minho had forgotten how strong Tae actually was. Also, he had forgotten Tae was a good fighter, and indeed he regretted it the moment he grabbed Tae's shoulder, pulling on the younger. They had never fought for real, and Tae had never thrown a punch at him. But now he understood how Tae's kidnapper lost a tooth. The younger had a hard punch. Minho confirmed that as it hit his stomach. Minho could tell Taemin was holding back and yet, it was enough to make him whine in pain. The injuries his father left still hurt, he wasn't in the mood for another fight. He should end it now before he lost control and harm Tae again. With that in mind Minho threw the syringe on the bed. Now, having both hands free, it didn't take long for Minho to catch the younger.
"Don't, Minho," Taemin struggled, pushing against his grip. Yet, Minho held on tight. This time he would not let go.
"Minho." The older looked up, as Tae called his name in a way that was unexpectedly calm.
"If you do that, I'll never forgive you," the younger warned, sending a cold chill through Minho's body. His grip weakened for a split second and Taemin took the chance to break free. His head turned to the door and his feet followed, but the younger miscalculated his strength as he pulled away and lost his balance. Minho reached out for Tae as the other fell forwards. It was like a scene in those movies. He could see Tae falling so clearly as if they were in slow motion. Tae was right in front of him, but he couldn't reach the younger. Then a loud crash brought him back to reality as Minho realized Tae had bumped his head hard against the nightstand.
"Kibum," he called, and in speed he rushed over. The younger lay there, facing the floor, unmoving. Carefully, Minho turned Tae around, while fighting against the fear he could hurt the other. The shook hit him as he saw the blood on Tae's face. There was a cut on his forehead, just millimeters above his right eyebrow. The cut was so deep, blood dropped into Tae's eyes. As Minho pulled Taemin into his arms, the younger tugged at his sleeve.
"Don't," Tae repeated, but his eyes closed before he could finish the sentence. Minho bit on his lips. He knew what Tae wanted to say.
"If you do that, I'll never forgive you."
But he couldn't hurt that boy again, so if the drug was the only way, then he should never be forgiven.
--- << >> ---
Minho held his breath. With every stitch Dr. Song put on Tae's forehead, and the way the needle pierced in the younger's skin, Minho could feel the pain as if it were his own. He shouldn't be, but he was glad Tae was unconscious. Thus, the younger wouldn't feel the pain. Only as the last stitch was done, Minho breathed out.
"This will leave a scar, but once it's healed, he can remove it with a laser therapy, if he wants to." The doctor explained, and Minho nodded.
"Will he be ok?" Minho asked.
"Except for the cut on his forehead, everything else seems fine. But I can't tell for sure until he wakes up."
"When will he wake up?"
"I don't know. We'll have to wait," the doctor answered. Minho sighed. He was never a patient one.
"You should stop doing that." Dr. Song said out of the blue. Her voice was full of concerns and Minho had no idea what she meant. As the boss reacted with confusion, she added.
"Since you two got married he got his leg broken, then his hand and now this? His leg just healed, and his hand must still hurt. You should stop being so rough with him. Do you want to kill the poor boy?"
Minho felt like he was being scolded by his mother. Since he could remember, Dr. Song was always there every time he was sick or every time he got hurt. She was more like a mother to him than his own mother was. Thus, he didn't want her to think of him as an abusive husband. He didn't mind her thinking of him as a violent person. After all, she knew who he was. She knew what he did for a living. Yet, he didn't want her to think of him as someone who abuse his loved ones. Yet, before he could explain himself, a soft groan caught their both attentions. Immediately, they turned to Taemin, who just opened his eyes. The younger instinctively touched the cut on his forehead.
"No, don't touch it," Dr. Song rushed over, grabbing Taemin's hand to stop him.
"It hurts," Taemin said under his breath as he sat up.
"I know. Here, take those painkillers. You should feel better soon." The doctor handed him two pills. Taemin stared at the woman in front of him for a moment before swallowing the pills. Something in Taemin's eyes was different, and Minho could sense that. The younger looked at the doctor as if he were trying to figure out whether to trust her or not.
"How are you feeling?" Being impatient, Minho asked, stealing the doctor's line. Taemin slightly flinched at Minho's voice. The younger seemed surprised like he hadn't noticed Minho's presence. Minho immediately felt Tae's eyes on him. The younger was scanning him from head to toe as if he were searching for something. Then, the disappointment in his face showed he hadn't found it.
"Who are you?" Taemin asked, looking at Minho like he had never seen the older before. Minho widened his eyes. The older slowly approached Taemin. He wanted to run towards Tae, but he didn't want to scare the younger. Tae already looked so lost.
Dr. Song was as worried as the boss. With the flashlight in her pocket, she checked Taemin's pupils.
"Do you know where you are?" She asked. It was just a simple question, but it made the younger frown.
"I," he stuttered, "I don't know." Taemin shook his head. The doctor and Minho turned to each other. They didn't say a word, but Taemin still noticed their concerns.
"Do you remember what happened?" Dr. Song's question once again caused Taemin discomfort. Minho didn't miss the way Tae started to play with his fingers. That was something the younger always did whenever he was nervous.
"I... what happened?" Taemin repeated the question to himself, not being able to answer. His hands started to tremble.
"Did I hurt myself?" He replied. Minho leaned forwards. A breeze of hope appeared on his mind. Tae seemed to remember. Or was it just a wishful thought?
"Do you remember how?" Minho asked with too much enthusiasm for the situation. But the younger didn't answer, and his hope disappeared as fast as his came.
"Can you tell me your name?" Dr. Song questioned, and Minho could see the panic in Tae growing with every second. The younger frowned even more. He brought his hand to his injury just to remember he shouldn't touch it seconds later. His lips trembled and tears formed in his eyes.
"My name?... No," Taemin said, and his voice trembled even more. The other two exchanged glances one more time and Taemin didn't miss that. Their silence scared him. They didn't say a word, but it was like they were communicating, and Taemin was left out of their 'conversation'.
"Hey, don't cry," the doctor tried to comfort Taemin, "everything will be fine."
"Cry?" Taemin murmured, touching his face. The tears were a shook to him. He hadn't realized he'd started crying. Taemin brought his knees to his chest, almost curling into a ball. He made himself smaller as if he wanted to hide. Tae looked like a lost child, being surrounded by strangers. No, to Tae that was exactly how this situation felt like.
"But," the younger raised his head, looking at the two people in front of him, "what's my name?"

AN: Ok I know you guys will hate me for hurting Taebaby. *this user has moved to alaska*

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