#17 Family (Part I)

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Hi guys, I hope you are doing well.
I decided to post this chapter in 3 short parts instead of one long chapter.
So the next parts should be online in the next hours or days.
I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Key worried his mind was playing him a game. Because his eyes believed to see the woman who had left him 20 years ago. The woman he had been looking for 20 years. Without success. But there she stood. Right in front of him. His Mother.

How many times had he painted their reunion in his mind? He had considered every eventuality, playing every scene in his head like a movie. A encounter in a cafe, maybe at Starbucks. The barista would call her name and when Key turned around, he would recognize her. Or they would come across each other, maybe while shopping or just at a traffic light. He knew he would recognize her walking by.

Yet his favorite imaginations were those where his mother returned to him. At every turning point in his life, he hoped to see his mother again. For on such days, parents should be with their children, right? On his last day at elementary school, he was sure his mother show up any moment and give him a hug. The young Kibum insisted on waiting for his mother until the janitor sent him home to lock the front door. As his middle school graduation came, he had not given up. Even though he hadn't waited until evening, he was still the last to leave the school. By the time he graduated from high school, his hope had already disappeared. Still, every time the door opened, his heart jumped and each time it bled a bit more.

Disappointments over disappointments hardened his heart over the years. One would think Key had learned from his mistakes. Even so, he kept a tiny hope as his wedding was planned. A tiny hope that his mother would be among the guests this time. Because the wedding day was what they called the most beautiful day in a person's life, wasn't it? Which kind of mother would miss her child's wedding?

To this day, he wondered if he would have seen her again, if he hadn't run away. But never would he have thought he was right. This wedding, even if it was the wrong one, brought his mother back.

"Mom?" No matter how many times he fantasized about their reunion, such an absurd situation would never have crossed his mind. He was not prepared for that. What do you say in such a situation?

"Hello, mom, long time no see? Where have you been? Incidentally, I'm married to the man who was meant for your other child I didn't know about? Oh, and are you staying for dinner?" He couldn't say that, could he?

"My baby," Mrs. Lee called as she burst into tears and hugged her son. At the same time, she heard fleetingly as Mr. Kim and Jonghyun took their leaves to give Key and her some space. That was very convenient for her, because no matter how glad she was to see her first-born again. Where the hell was her other son?

"Let's go in," she suggested, and Key nodded.

After Key offered her something to drink, they both fell silent. There was so much to tell and so much to explain. But. Where do you start?

"Kibum, I'm so sorry," Mrs. Lee apologized when she finally found the courage. The silence broke, as did Key's self-control.

"I was looking for you. For years. I traveled to London. I slept on the street after I ran out of money."

"I'm so sorry, darling."

"No, no, no, we are not at the part you should be sorry for. Do you know what father did? He broke 3 of my ribs for going oversea. Do you think your apology makes this all undone?" Key almost cried.

"I know you do not believe me when I say I had no choice. But please believe me when I say that I am really sorry."

"I've always wondered why you left us. Now I know it. Finally."

"Darling, let me explain it. It's not what you think."

"But I think I do." Key turned away from his mother. "You did it for him, didn't you?"

"No, I didn't leave you for my new husband. I would never ..." Key's mother tried to explain. It hurt her knowing her son thought of her as a selfish person. But maybe he was right.

"I meant Taemin. You left us because you were pregnant with my half-brother, right?" Key interrupted his mom.

"How do you know...?"

"I can calculate, mom."

"Honey, your dad would have killed the baby. I couldn't let that happen."

Key didn't reply. Instead he took a deep breath before talking.

"That's what he would do."

"I should have come back to you. I would have..."

"Why? Either way you'd have left a child. There was no reason for choosing the child with the abusive father. Because it seems Taemin's dad treats you very well." Mrs. Lee could say Key was fighting against the tears, even though she didn't see his face.

"You knew about it?" Mrs. Lee placed her fingers on her lips, trying to suppress her sobbing.

"I'd heard you two fighting. But things were clear when he started beating me too. It didn't take long after you left."

At that moment, Mrs. Lee could no longer suppress her crying.

"That should never happened. What did I think? I should have taken you with me." She said.

"No you couldn't. If you took away his heir, he might never stop looking for you. For us."

"And it's okay. At some point, I learned to defend myself." The boy added.

"Kibum, never say 'it's ok' if someone hits you. Did you hear me? "Mrs. Lee grabbed Key by the shoulders, turning him towards her so that he could see that she was serious.

"It took me a long time to realize that myself. But you should never go through the same thing. Do you understand me? No matter who or why. You must never think that it is okay for someone to raise a hand against you."

"I understand, mom." Key answered while staring at his mother.

"What is it, honey?"

"Did you give Taemin the same advice?" Key replied. "I guess he doesn't need such lessons, right? He seems like a well-guarded child to me. Like someone who was just lucky in life."

"Why would you say that?"

"I just realized that he was very lucky. Before he was born, you made a decision to protect him. He grows up - I suppose - in a loving home. His father is one of the richest men in the world. And he marries a clever and gentle man. At least he was supposed to marry Jonghyun. I would be lying, if I said I was not jealous."

"Kibum, where is Taemin?" Mrs. Lee's voice deepened with seriousness.

"Do you think I did something to him?" Key asked, surprisingly, after a few seconds, as he realized what his mother might think of him.

"No, of course not. I'm just confused. I came here believing I would see Taemin But instead I meet you. I'm overjoyed to see you again. But I'm confused. Why does the Kim Family think you are Taemin? I have so many questions."

Mrs. Lee paused to catch her breath.

"Kibum, where is Taemin?"

"I didn't do anything to him, if that's what you wanted to know." Key responded.

It hurt to see how much his mother worried about her golden boy. He knew that should be understandable. A mother worried about her child. Nevertheless, he felt envy. As he told his mother everything, he wondered where this Lee Taemin was. That lucky bastard.


PS: I don't know if it belong to places like this or what I should say, but if there are french readers, I'm very sorry about what happened to Notre-Dame. I was lucky to visit Notre-Dame a few years ago and it was breath taking. I'm sorry for your lost. 

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