Your Silence

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Hi ladies, after years, I'm back on Twitter and Tumblr. So if anybody is there too, let's follow each other.

Twitter: Pab0_Panda
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Hope to see you there.

I thought I should rate this chapter for the violence. So be warned.
Also, be warned that this chapter is very very very badly written. I really struggled writing this chapter, idk why.
Words can not describe how much I hate this chapter, but I want to move on, cause I can't handle this shit I wrote anymore. (Sorry, I'm depri again.)

Taemin groaned even before he opened his eyes. His head was spinning as if he were having one of the worst hangovers ever. Thank God it didn't take long for the dizziness to disappear. As soon as Taemin was able to move, he immediately noticed he wasn't in his old room. Not only did this room looked different than his own, but even the air smelled differently... somehow fresher with a touch of grass and soil. This scent was so familiar, Taemin instantly knew where he was. Rushing to the window, he pulled aside the curtain. His jaw dropped as he looked outside. He was on the first floor of a single house, and it was either in the wood or in the biggest and oldest garden he had ever seen.

"What happened?" He asked himself. The last thing he remembered was Minho scaring him to death. Why did the older cover his nose and mouth, using so much force? When something like that happened in movies, someone was going to get murdered.

"No, there was something else," Taemin corrected himself. Minho was holding something in his hand. The memory of last night became clearer, and Taemin let out a burst of sarcastic laughter as he remembered a sweet scent which he hadn't paid attention to... until now.

"Chloroform," he mumbled, "are we back in the 19th century?"

At least Minho didn't kill him. That was a good sign. But where was he? As expected, his right brain started to scare him. What if he was sold? He was young and healthy. His organs would make a lot of money. Minho didn't involve himself in human trafficking, but he was a gangster after all. What if...

"No, stop," he thought.

Luckily, his left brain was there to calm him down before he could freak out. No matter how much Minho hated him now, the older wouldn't send him away for he still had something Minho needed, Kibum's whereabouts. Even if Minho didn't feel a thing for him anymore, Minho would still need him. Even if Minho had come to hate him... Oh, how afraid he was to think about that.

Lost in his thoughts, Taemin forgot he hadn't even checked the door. With care, he pressed down the door handle, trying not to make a sound. To his surprise, the door wasn't locked. Suddenly, he felt stupid for assuming he was trapped in a room again. Slowly, he stepped out. His eyes wandered back and forth, checking every corner of the place. At first sight, it looked like an ordinary forest lodge. Although this place was big and roomy, and it had everything needed for a short stay, it didn't feel comfortable. It had the most basic furniture that didn't attract any attention at all. A grey couch, a wooden table, and a cupboard in the same colour, no decoration, no design, no luxury, this place was terrifically normal. Nothing about it was memorable.

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