#29 12:01

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"Jonghyun," Kibum gathered all his courage, "I am... I am not the person you think I am."

Jonghyun narrowed his eyes without saying a word, as if he'd notice how hard it was for Kibum to continue. Instead he gently held Kibum's hand, making sure the younger knew he was there. He wasn't running away.

"My real name... it's not Lee Taemin," Kibum confessed.

„I'm confused," admitted Jonghyun.

"The person you're supposed to marry, I'm not him. I'm not Lee Taemin," Kibum told his husband.

"Is this some kind of bad joke, Taemin?" Jonghyun emphasized the name he thought belonged to the person in front of him, "because it's not funny."

The way Jonghyun's eyes keep focused on him increased Kibum's guilt with every second. His body moved on its own as he lowered his head, looking down to escape Jonghyun's eyes.

"It's a long story," he began to explain. Once he started, his mind stopped recording anything happening around him.

"That's impossible. Father's colleagues picked you up from the airport and escorted you directly to the wedding." Jonghyun refused to believe.

"I'm sorry, Taemin didn't want to appear at the wedding, so he gave me his cap. I didn't know it was his symbol of recognition. The police thought I was him," Kibum explained, still not being able to look at Jonghyun.

"But why would you pretend to be someone you're not. You could just tell us from the beginning."

"I was...," Kibum stuttered, realizing how dumb and unreal his story sounded, "also runny away from someone and I need a ride. I didn't know they were cops until it was too late." Kibum had played this moment for hundred times in his head. He'd thought he'd be anxious, yet he was rather at ease. At this moment he realised what a huge the burden this secret was. While telling Jonghyun the truth, Kibum hadn't noticed the older letting go of his hand.

"Whom were you runny away from?" Jonghyun questioned.

"I," Kibum looked up, as if he owned Jonghyun to look at his "husband" in the eyes when he told him the truth, "I was running away from my own wedding."

"You were engaged?" Jonghyun shouted. "No, you are engaged?"

"I... I don't know how to tell you this."

The older didn't say a word, still Kibum understood Jonghyun demanded explanation. And Jonghyun deserved the truth.

"I too have a father who doesn't accept a 'No'. I had no other choice. I knew if I was going against his will, I'd need to hide very well."

"Who are you?" Kibum couldn't help but noticed the change in Jonghyun's voice.

"My name is Kim Kibum," he told Jonghyun. Introducing his true self to Jonghyun felt so surreal.

"Kim Kibum?" Jonghyun repeated, "the son of Kim Taeksoo?"

Kibum kept silence which they both knew was a confirmation. By that Jonghyun's body moved on its own as he backed away, growing the gap between Kibum and him.

Jonghyun was only two steps away, but Kibum wanted to chase after the older. He wanted to embrace Jonghyun, just to make sure Jonghyun wouldn't leave. He wanted to apologize. He wanted to say so many things, but he understood Jonghyun needed time right now. Watching Jonghyun walking in circle and placing his hand on his forehead, Kibum patiently waited until Jonghyun finally spoke.

"Where is Taemin? What have you done to him?" If words could hurt, Kibum believed he'd feel every single word Jonghyun just said cutting his skin.

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