Chapter 32

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"When she asks you what you want for your 24th birthday, tell her you want her!" Dahyun suggested, wiggling her eyebrows.

Sana swatted at her arms slightly, "If you approached me that way I'd straight out reject you."

"Just throw her over you shoulders and take her on the bed!" Jeongyeon shrugged, earning a hum of disapproval from Chaeyoung. "That should roughly give her an idea about how you feel about her."

"Whatever happened to romance you guys?" Chaeyoung gruntled, she had enough of the cavemen ideas Dahyun and Jeongyeon seemed to suggest one after another. "Nayeonnie don't listen to them! Just tell her you're in love with her."

Nayeon's face whitened as she thought about telling Mina how she felt.

The last time she had fainted when she was about to confess, but now even thinking about confessing her feelings was making her woozy.

Just tell her you love her. Just tell her you love her Nayeon repeated to herself like a mantra when she saw Mina taking a sip from her mug of coffee in the rooftop terrace.

The full moon illuminated her in a soft light, making her look like she didn't belong to this world, the pale silver light of the night giving her an ethereal sort of appearance.

Nayeon heard every thud of her heart.

Her throat constricted painfully and her chest began to race, as blood roared to her ears making a great whooshy sound.

Every single pulse was felt in her neck, as sweat dripped down the side of her face. Her breathing was erratic just like her heartbeat.

Thud thud thud. It pounded.

She pushed the door open and took small tentative steps towards Mina who looked at her with those warm brown eyes that seemed to stun her into silence.

"Nayeon-chan," Her voice was laced with affection and fondness, "I thought you'd be home late."

"Minayah," Nayeon began, but found it difficult to complete because now her heart was beating in her mouth.

She felt dizzy again and slightly swayed on her feet.

Mina took couple of steps forward to the older girl who looked like she was about to faint, "What's wrong? Are you feeling dizzy again?" She grabbed the older girl's wrist feeling for her pulse.

At the gentle touch of Mina's finger on her skin, Nayeon's heart began to pick up even more speed.

"Nayeon-chan," Mina gave a confused frown when she felt the pulse. She lifted her hand and laid it on Nayeon's chest gingerly, "Why is your heart beating so fast?"

Nayeon released a shaky breath, "I-I"

Scared the girl might pass out again, Mina looped her arms around Nayeon's neck and held her in a hug until she felt the pulse coming down back to normal.

"It's fine," Momo patted her head sympathetically, "Maybe you should try after a while. Mina's worrying that you're overworked and that's why you're about to pass out often."

"What if I never have the courage to tell her?" Nayeon wondered, picking the stitches on her jeans.

Then I'll do it for you, Sana thought to herself mentally.

She wanted this to be romantic, she wanted Nayeon to tell Mina what her feelings were, but sometimes realistic options were better suited than romantic options.

She passed a dishcloth to Mina who was setting the table for Tzuyu's birthday, "Nayeon is in love with you."

Mina turned her way, a look of shock and disbelief etched on her face.

"I'm not messing with you. Nayeon-chan tried telling you twice so far, and fainted once!" Sana decided to lay all the cards on the table, "She's absolutely terrified you'll reject her."

Mina almost dropped the wine glass on the floor as she gaped at Sana. "I don't think Nayeon-chan likes me like that!"

Sana sighed, she had said all that had to be said, now it was up to them to figure things out.

Nayeon walked into the room with a hand around Ari's wrist, and beamed when she saw the food on the table. "The way to anyone's heart is food." She declared dreamily as she popped a Sushi into her mouth.

"Then pretty sure Mina has made her way into your heart." Dahyun snorted, her eyes skittering between a choking Nayeon and a slightly blushing Mina. "Because she made them all."

"Have some water my friend." Jeongyeon patted her back with a cheeky smile on her face.

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