Chapter 25

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"You live in this house, but I see you like two months at tops." Ari crossed her arms and huffed.

Nayeon bent down to the kid's eye level and squeezed her cheeks, "It's just I have a lot of work to do Ari."

"Mina is always working as well. I want all of us to be able to spend time together Nayeon-tan." The child sniffed, "Promise me you'll make it happen."

Nayeon hugged Ari tightly in her arms. "I promise."

She wasn't able to keep her promise for two more months. The constant juggle between shoots, recording, pre recording, chat shows, press conferences, interviews, publicity events and parties meant that she barely had time to sleep and eat between their busy schedule.

Mina was fully booked as well, and Nayeon hadn't seen her even once in the two months. Her clothes in the laundry bin and washed mug in the dryer were the only things that reminded her that they actually lived together.

So when their producer called them for a meeting, she went in sulking expecting more work thrown her way.

"Girls, you can fly back home or do anything you want." He told them, "The cinematographer's association is on a 7 day strike. There won't be any shooting or recordings or any events happening."

He sighed when a matching grin splitted all their faces. Of course girls their age are going to enjoy a sudden break like this, it's the label that had to worry about schedules.

"Thank you Oppa." They filtered out of the room planning and discussing what they were going to do.

Her bandmates decided to fly back home to spend time with their families.

"Do you want me to book yours too?" Jeongyeon asked Nayeon, because whenever they had a break Nayeon either spent it with her or Jihyo's family.

Nayeon gave her a disgusted look. "Last time I was there, your mother grounded us both because you started a fight with me."

"I didn't, you did." Jeongyeon argued.

Jihyo stepped in between both, shoving them apart. "Nayeon you should be spending time with your family." She told the crossed girl, "It's time you kept your promise to Ari. The kid's on her spring break."

Nayeon walked sulking further, "I wish I could, but Mina has projects after projects lined up, I hardly see her anymore."

Nayeon was sure she was going to forget Mina's face if they continued living like this.

She was grateful for the calls they sometimes connected through because Mina's soft voice was reassuring whenever she felt drained and exhausted from their busy lifestyle.

"Nayeon-chan, you know what a union strike means?" Sana asked incredulously.

Nayeon stopped midway in the corridor as she finally understood what her bandmates were insinuating, "Mina won't be working as well." Her eyes gleamed and shined.

"Congrats Einstein." Chaeyoung smacked Nayeon's back.

Where are you? x

She texted Mina. The reply came back through instantly.

I'm going to pick Ari from her game. We're going to get ice cream afterwards. x

Cool, I'll see you at home. x

Ok Nayeon-chan. xx

Nayeon grinned to herself when she saw the two kisses at the end of the text. She had about around three hours before they came home, just enough time to put her plan in action.

She rang her personal assistant's number.

"Unnie, I need you to do something for me." Nayeon explained everything.

"Give me an hour's time Nayeon." The friendly assistant said through the phone cheerfully. "I've got this."

"Wow, this is so romantic." Momo said swooning, "Nayeon-chan, her girlfriend and the little sister-in-law are going on a trip."

Tzuyu nudged her side, "Don't let Nayeonnie hear you say that."

"She's single, Mina is single." Dahyun noted, "Maybe the stars are finally aligning in their favor."

"Nayeon will probably put off the entire universe because she's so fucking dumb." Chaeyoung remarked to her bandmates.

"That's a possibility." Sana agreed with her, nodding her head.

Momo stared at her pessimistic friends, "Let me have this moment please."

Nayeon sat in the penthouse, with a smile hidden behind her heart shaped lips.

"You're blonde again?" She squinted her eyes when Mina stepped through the front door.

"She's been blonde for three weeks now Nayeon-tan." Ari shook her head disappointedly at her. "You'd know if you were actually home."

Nayeon bit back another smile as they shrugged off their coats and jackets and stepped in to the living room.

"Nayeon-chan," Mina asked, finally noticing the neatly packed luggage in the room. "Are you going somewhere?"

Nayeon looked at Ari who was frowning and replied with a cheeky grin, "Yes."

"That's too much stuff for one week." Mina noted glancing at the three suitcases and couple of backpacks. For a second she wondered if Nayeon was moving out.

"Oh that's because it's got all our stuff." Nayeon lifted the pouting child in her arms and spun her around. "We're going on a road trip."

The happy squeal she got in return made Nayeon feel giddy like a child too.

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