Chapter 1

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Merry Christmas Minayeonators!! Completed on Minayeon day, I hope you enjoy the story 💕

Nayeon was drunk. Her head was spinning and there was a familiar rush and warmth in her body that came along with alcohol.

So when Jeongyeon pushed her into a room and whispered , "Enjoy your birthday gift!" she was far too gone to understand what those words meant.

Her birthday had been horrible, having just stepped out of a relationship that only lasted two months long. She was famous, beautiful and rich, people would think it'd be easier for her to be successful in dating, if only they knew the truth.

She took off her coat and hung it in the closet of the luxurious hotel room. Her dark eyes wandered down the corridor searching for the gift Jeongyeon said was waiting for her in the room.

Finding nothing in the corridor, she let her legs carry her to where the bed was, wanting nothing but to go to sleep and forget what a failure she was at dating.

"Holy shit." Her mouth dropped open, eyes widened as she took a step back from the bed.

Because on it, was a girl about her age, possibly younger even, stretched out, half naked with a come hither smile on her face.

"Happy birthday." She drawled and Nayeon wondered what kind of alternate universe she had stepped into.

"Who the fuck are you?" Nayeon spat out, fists clenched by her side. "Why the fuck are you in my room?"

"That's a question you need to ask your friends." The girl replied, pulling a flimsy robe around herself that barely covered her modesty. "They hired me because they wanted you to have fun."

"Fun?" Nayeon threw her hands in the air, "You're a hoe and a girl. What kind of fun do I have with you?"

"I don't appreciate the way you speak to me." The girl seemed to be losing patience. "It's not my problem if you're not into women. Sort this out with your friends."

Nayeon glared at the girl who had her arms crossed and looked at her with her face scrunched in anger. "Too fucking proud for a hoe." She mentally thought to herself.

She took a proper look at the girl on the bed as they continued to stare at each other, neither one willing to back down.

She had hypnotizing brown eyes, full lips curved down in a frown, cheeks kissed pink in anger, moles dotting the unblemished skin on her face giving her an ethereal appearance and Nayeon wondered what a girl like her was doing as a prostitute because she was the most beautiful girl Nayeon had ever seen.

Easy money, she assumed. It only made her disgust grow.

"Get out." Nayeon barked, pointing a finger at the door.

"Give me two minutes to get dressed." The girl slipped on her heels and pulled on her normal clothes.

"Be quick." Nayeon's harsh voice rang out. "And get the fuck out."

"For someone so beautiful, you sure curse like a sailor." The girl muttered under her breath as she collected her belongings quickly, but when she stepped forward to leave her heels got caught in the carpet making her trip.

Her backpack fell to the floor and Nayeon found herself curiously looking at the books she picked up from the floor and shoved back into the bag.

"You're a student?" She asked, eyes narrowing.

"Yes." The girl picked herself up off the floor, hoisting the bag over her shoulders.

Nayeon felt a little ashamed when she heard the next words. "Being a hoe is not what all I do, you know." Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she repeated Nayeon's curse, "I'm in this service so I can pay my tuition fee."

"Wait." Nayeon spread her arms open blocking the girl as she tried to go past her. "Do you get paid if you go back now?"

"I won't." She shrugged.

"You can stay the night here then." Nayeon sheepishly admitted, staring at a spot on the floor, regretting the harsh words she'd uttered earlier. This girl was trying to make something of herself and all she had done was to judge her based on her profession.

"I'm not your charity case." The girl pushed her hand away as she tried to get past again. "You either use the services or I leave."

"Wait." Nayeon moved to the side blocking her again. "How do you mean use your services?"

The girl rolled her eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh. "You let me please you sexually, it's not rocket science."

"You have sex with all your clients?" Nayeon whispered, fighting back a blush.

She received a negative shake of head in response. "You'd be surprised at how many women are just content sucking on my toes or something like that." She shrugged. "Sometimes I satisfy their fetish. It's not always sex."

Nayeon caught the girl's eyes as she processed the information. "So you only have female clients?"

"Yes." She slid up the bag and propped it up on her shoulders. "I'm gay. And I assume from the conversation we had you're straight."

Nayeon bit her lips. If she told the truth, the girl would leave, and not get paid. "I haven't been with women, but I don't mind exploring. It's my birthday after all." She lied through her teeth.

The girl sighed and put her bag carefully on the floor. "Fine, What do you want to do?"

Nayeon walked to the bed and sat on the edge of it. "Why don't we start with you telling me your name first?"

She lifted a hand, cutting off the girl before she began. "Your real name. Not the one you use for this business."

"Mina." The girl mumbled, as she joined her side on the bed. "My name is Mina."

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