Chapter 17

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Nayeon sighed as her phone rang again flashing Mina's name on its screen.

She had managed to ignore the calls and texts so far, not that she didn't want to talk to the younger girl, but she was afraid of what she was going to hear.

"Wait, hold on I'll put her through." Tzuyu walked into the living room of their dorm, and covered the mouth piece with her hand, "Nayeonnie, Mina's on the phone."

Nayeon's eyes grew comically, as she signaled to Tzuyu to show that she didn't want to talk.

Tzuyu shook her head and handed her the phone. "You can't run away forever." She exclaimed matter of factly.

Nayeon drew in a deep breath as she took the phone and answered reluctantly, "Minayah." She said, her voice low and hesitant, like a child about to be admonished for something they've done which they weren't supposed to do.

"Im Nayeon." Mina's voice said exasperatedly.

The use of the full name reminded Nayeon that she was deep in trouble. "Yeah?" She asked, glaring at Tzuyu who was munching on a bucket of popcorn, giving her a cheeky smile.

"I told you to get your assistant to stop depositing in my bank account." Mina said in a disappointed tone, "I have a part time job now, I can afford the food and travel expenses for Ari and me."

Nayeon's lips turned down in a pout. "But you can't focus on your studies if you have to work. It's your final semester!"

A tired voice replied, "A lot of students shuffle university work with part time jobs. Let me have a normal student life please."

Nayeon sighed, she understood the need for a normal life, especially when Mina never got to have that. "Fine, if you want to experience the flat arse broke student life, who am I to stop you?"

There was a silence at the other end for a while. "You are everything to me, Nayeon-chan."

Nayeon's heart shaped lips quirked up in the biggest of smiles.

A couple of months flew by with never ending shoots, stage shows and touring. The only thing Nayeon cherished during those exhausting times were Mina's phone calls and letters.

"Nayeon-tan," Ari spoke into the receiver excitedly, "I have a new best friend."

"You replaced me?" She pouted like the kid could see her over the phone.

"You'll always be my first best friend." Ari giggled, making Nayeon grin.

Three months later she received a letter. Mina hadn't written to her during those long months because she was busy with her final semester and the play.

Dear Nayeon-chan,
I hope you're well. A talent agent came to see our play and offered me a role in a musical. It debuts in December. I wish you could come see it.

"What's with that goofy smile on her face?" Sana enquired as she glanced at the letter. It was a normal routine message after all.

Dahyun took a quick look at the letter and explained to the confused girl, "It's the first time she has signed yours with just her name."

Sana smiled, finally realizing what Nayeon was so happy about.

Mina took in a deep breath trying to calm her heart beating in her throat.

When she stepped on to the stage, her eyes lit up when it locked with Nayeon's in the audience.

She felt a peace and calm wash over her and gave her all to the part she played.

"You said you couldn't make it." She threw herself into Nayeon's arms after her performance which ended with a huge round of applause from the crowd.

Nayeon wrapped her arms tighter around the younger girl and smiled into her hair, "Did you really think I would miss your debut?"

The girls made it for Mina's graduation ceremony. They clapped and cheered proudly as Mina stepped on to the podium to receive her diploma.

Nayeon's heart grew with pride every time she heard of the milestones Mina had accomplished and she made sure never missed any of them.

When Mina got signed for a Hollywood film two months after her graduation because a director was impressed with her work in the play, Nayeon was there cheering her with the crew for the first shot.

Nayeon's relationship with the pop star failed after going strong for a year.

"Why did you breakup?" Sana questioned her, giving her a smile that looked loaded.

Nayeon shrugged, "There was no spark. I thought when you are in love, you should like lose yourself even when you're are doing the simplest of things like looking into their eyes?"

Sana didn't want to tell her she'd already found that, Nayeon would soon realize that.

Dahyun disagreed with her. "It's been two years since she met Mina, she still doesn't have a clue."

Momo sighed dramatically. "Come on, have some faith in true love."

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