chapter four

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Charlie pulled me onto the crowded dance floor filled with people jumping to the music as the beat dropped. I suddenly felt a cold liquid dripping down my arm as the guy dancing beside me leaned over and yelled 'sorry' into my ear. I shook the beer off of my arm and started dancing with Sophia and Aven, the boys standing right beside us. I was already feeling a bit of a buzz from the drinks Charlie and I had at the bar and stumbled a bit when a group of guys pushed their way past me. My body backed into someone else but I kept dancing, completely unphased about the fact that I was dancing against someone and couldn't move anywhere else. I tensed slightly when two hands wrapped themselves around my waist, but we stayed there moving to the beat until the end of the song. The man's scent was all too familiar, I smiled, I knew exactly who I was with.

"Having fun?" Charlie yelled in to my ear. I nodded my head and turned around to face him, his arms still wrapped around me. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me so that my head was resting against his chest. This was the closest we had ever been and we had just met, this didn't seem right. I pulled away from him and he looked at me with a confused look.

"I gotta go to the bathroom, I'll be back," I said into his ear. He nodded and released me from his arms. I reached over and grabbed Sophia's hand, dragging her with me to the bar.

"What's up, buttercup?" she yelled over the music. I explain to her what had almost happened out on the dance floor and she reaches over to slap me on the shoulder. I pull away from her in protest. "What is wrong with you Wren? You were literally grinding on Charlie Gillespie and you decide to run away?" she stares at me while shaking her head in disappointment. I couldn't help but feel guilty for ditching him on the dance floor, but I was distracted from my thoughts when the other girls joined us at the bar.

"SHOTS ON ME!" screamed Aven as the bartender started pouring our drinks. I giggled. Leave it to Aven to drink the most and be the life of the party.

"Count us in," said some voices from behind us. I turned to see Charlie, Owen and Jeremy walking towards us and found my eyes watching Charlie before I caught myself and looked away. Charlie came up behind me and draped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me in for a hug.

"How come you disappeared?" he whispered in my ear. I shrugged him off and quickly grabbed a shot glass from off of the bar.

"To Sophia!" I said, holding my shot glass in the air.

"To Sophia!" everyone chanted, as we all took our shots. The tequila burned a bit as it went down my throat but I chased it with a wedge of lime to take away the taste. It felt like an electric current was running through me from my head to my toes- I needed another. I hit the counter with my glass and the bartender refilled Sophia and my glasses. We slammed them back, followed by another. I felt like my entire body was vibrating and I couldn't stop myself from moving. I hit my glass against the bar again and was raising my glass to my mouth when a hand grabbed onto my arm to stop me.

"Wren, hun, I think it's time to slow down," Sophia said to me calmly. At this point Sophia and I were the only ones doing shots since everyone went off to do their own thing. "You never drink this much and I'm starting to get a bit concerned." I looked around me, everything was blurry but I could make out Charlie and Owen's figures standing near the bar talking with some girls from another group. Fine, I'll show him. I thought to myself. I pulled my arm away from Sophia's grip, took my shot and walked back towards the dance floor, completely ignoring her yelling after me.

Everything around me felt like it was spinning as I stumbled in my heels with each step through the crowd. I looked back to see if Charlie was looking at me, but he was still too busy talking to the girl at the bar.

Hundreds of bodies were jumping up and down all around me as I got closer to the middle of the dance floor. I could no longer see Sophia or the other girls nor could I see the guys through the people surrounding me. Between the booming music and the pounding in my head, I knew I was in trouble; I never drink this much and I was so far gone that I couldn't tell my left foot from my right. As I start to dance with some random guy, I began to feel dizzy and catch myself from falling, but barely. What are you doing? I thought to myself. I pulled away from the guy and attempt to move towards the stairs, my heart racing with each movement and my body suddenly feeling like a tonne of bricks.

"Help," I whimpered, hoping that someone would hear me. Nobody could, the music was too loud to even hear myself think. My head whipped around as I searched for any familiar face, but everyone just looked like blurred blobs. Each step that I took felt like I was going nowhere and the stairs seemed to be further away than they were. As I went to take my next step, my legs went weak and I lost all control of my body and suddenly, everything went black.

It all happened so fast that I can't remember anything from the rest of the night. I faintly remember hearing people screaming for help and someone saying my name while gently shaking me, but the rest of the night is such a blur. I remember waking up briefly and being carried in someone's arms, although I don't know who it was.

"Can I get some water over here?" I heard a man yell, followed by a bunch of chatter amongst the people scattered throughout the club.

"I can't believe this is happening," I heard a women's voice say softly as she let out a cry. "It's all my fault!"

I opened my eyes sluggishly and tried to focus on the person staring down at me. It was a man, but I couldn't quite make out who it was, everything was still so blurry.

"Where-" I started, completely confused about what was happening and where I was. There was a sharp pain near my eye and my hand shot up to hold it as I winced in pain. What happened?

"Wren, it's okay, you're okay," the man's voice said calmly. I let out a little smile as I realized that the voice belonged to Charlie and I felt my body relax as he pulled me closer to him. The warmth from his body gave me a sense of comfort and I felt my eyes grow heavy and slowly start to close once again. I heard muffled voices as I was carried through the club, but I have no clue what anyone was saying. I remember being at the club one minute and the next I was tucked into bed with my pyjamas on and wrapped in a warm blanket, with no recollection of how I got there. My eye was throbbing and I still had no idea why. I grunted in defeat and nuzzled my head into my blanket as I fell asleep.


Ahhh it's been so long since my last update, I'm so sorry! I'm working on writing a bunch of chapters so hopefully I can start posting more often soon. Also, I'm trying something a little different for the next stay tuned!

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