Chapter 8

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Liam looked like he paled a little and stood up to walk to his death- I mean to face Harry.....


Liam slowly walked towards the door, glancing over his shoulder towards me. For some reason I felt as if he was trying to tell me something but hey, I'm stupid, I can't read people's emotions off of their faces. What could I know? After a moment or two, I turned away from him and started to pick at the rug that I was sitting on. I heard a slight breath being blown out coming from Liam's direction, then the slightest creak of the door that could be heard because of how silent it was. Well this is awkward...


My head shot up at the mention of my name, and I saw Simon- or um, my dad looking at me as if waiting for my answer to something.

"Oh, um, yeah." I stuttered out so it would seem as if I was actually paying attention to what this bloke was saying.

"Great. Tell me how it goes." he said

Wait.. what? Simon kept staring at me, an amused look on his face, same going for the other people in the room, especially Liam, who had the biggest grin on his fa-. Hold up! Liam?? I thought he went to go talk to Harry? Oh god. Oh god no. Sweet lord save me from what I think is about to happen.

"Well...?" Simon started out, still giving me the small smile he had on his face.

"I guess I'll go talk to Harry..." I mumbled, slowly standing up

"Will you now?" Liam said, giving me the most devious smirk I could have ever imagined

I resisted the urge from punching him in the face, which most likely would have resulted in me with a fractured finger because of the lack of skill I have with fighting. I thought of all of the profanities I should have screamed at Mr. Devious over there, not wanting to make a completely horrible first impression on my... dad. Man, it's going to take a while to have to get used to calling him that...

I stepped out of the office doors in search for Harry. Dear lord, why did they send me of all people? I mean, I have no frickin clue how to get around in this building, I don't even know where the damn elevator is! I don't pay attention to things like that. Harry is probably going to find me before I ever find him. Oh god, what if I never find him? There's not even a single soul in this office that I can ask if they've seen him. Does Simon even employ people? I mean you would think there would be more than him and the members of One Direction in this building at a time. I mean can you say weird..

Here I go again, not even paying attention to what I'm supposed to be doing. You're looking for Harry. You're looking for Harry. I keep repeating to myself, determined not to forget about this kid. But just thinking about it makes me worry about ever finding him. What if I starve before anyone can ever find me in this ghost town of a building. I mean it's unlikely, but shit that's a definite possib-

What the fudge? I'm in the middle of my thoughts when I bump into something. At least I think it's something, since I haven't seen a single person in the five whole minutes I've been walking around looking for Harry. 

"Well you could at least say sorry" I heard someone mumble

Aw shit, that definitely wasn't a wall. Unless I bumped my head so hard that they're starting to speak... Nope, not now, hurry up and talk to this person before they think you're completely crazy.

"I'm so-" I started before looking up and spotting the person I needed to talk to. If you guessed Harry, damn you're smart.

"Harry!" I shouted, probably scaring the man seeing as he jumped a little from shock

"That's my name..." he mumbled out, not making eye contact with me.

"Can we um, talk?" I asked

"Isn't that what we're doing?" He quietly replied

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at Mr. Smart Ass and nodded over to a couple of chairs that were conviently placed on the wall across from Harry and I. He slightly nodded and headed over to the chairs with me quickly following him. We both sat down, not simultaneously, or else that would be extremely weird... I decided to quickly start the conversation so that Harry, hopefully, wouldn't leave again.

"Why did you storm out like that?" I didn't want to beat around the bush, this has got to get out of the way sooner rather than later.

Harry let out a dramatic breath of air. I had to roll my eyes at that one, such a drama queen. 

"I didn't want everyone bashing on me liking you." He quickly rushed out

Me being me, didn't even acknowledge the fact that he said he likes me for a couple seconds because I was debating if it was rude to call him a drama queen instead of king. Ya know, let's not get into this right now. Focus on Harry. He just said he l-

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed

"I mean, um, I think you're funny, and you seem cute..." He looked down slightly

"Harry, we barely-"

"I'm not over here confessing my love for you, I'm just telling you that I like you ok? And that I just got mad at the guys because they could tell and were still getting on me about it."

I don't know why, but I blushed. Why the actual f.uck did I just blush? I guess it's because I've never really been hit on by a guy. Contrary to popular belief I'm not extremly thin, but I'm not that big either. I'm 5'6" and I weigh 155 pounds. I mean, I hope I'm not completely ugly, but I've never had a boyfriend so like,... whoopsies this just got awkward...

I looked away from Harry who I've been awkwardly staring at for a few moments now. What should I say?

"I'm flattered and all Harry but-"

"Will you go on a date with me? Sunday?"

He looked so hopeful, I may not completely feel the same way about him, but for some reason I feel like I should give him a chance. God forgive me.


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