Chapter 2

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"Simon Cowell?" My mother nodded her head. "Why didn't you ever tell me? I think I deserved to know who my father was instead of living years upon years of a lie!" "Honey, I know you're upset b-" "If you knew I was going to be this upset why didn't you tell me before!?" "I was scared, Simon had his own career, I had my life, it was too complicated" my mother explained to me. I sat there, thinking. Simon Cowell's my father? What does this mean? Does he know who I am? Does he WANT to know who I am? "I want to meet him. Now." I demanded after a good 15 minutes of silence. "Sweetie, it's not that s-" "I don't care," I cut her off, "I want to meet him, I think I at least deserve that." My mother nodded in agreement, pulling out her phone and shakily dialing a number, my.... dad rubbing her back reassuringly. My mom put the phone on speaker, all of us hearing it ring. "Hello Katherine, I haven't heard from you in a while." A British voice said to me. "Dad?"  "Who is this? Is this some kind of joke!?" I heard the voice reply angrily. "Simon?" "What?" he spat back. Wow, some kind of father, I thought. "There's someone who wants to meet you." "Who could be so important that you had to call me after over 15 years of silence?" "Your daughter." All I heard on the other line was a silent gasp, then silence. "Is it her? Is she really there?" He asked excitedly. "Yes." I answered back, my voice shaking. "Oh my god! Katherine, can she fly out here to London? I would really like to meet Ana." For some reason I got really angry at the fact he called me Ana, but decided to shake it off. "I don't think t-" "Mom" I interrupted her "I really want to go." She looked at me curiously "What about school? And your friends." "I can take school online but my friends..."Can come with you!" I heard Simon exclaim. "Really!?" I shouted excitedly, smiling. "Yes, whatever it takes to get you out here." I kept on smiling, unable to wait to tell everyone the news. ~~~~~~1 week later~~~~~~ "Do you have everything Ana?" My mom asked me for about the millionth time, close to tears while me, my parents, Crystal and Allie were standing near the boarding gate, our flight leaving in a few minutes. "Yes mom" I sighed. "Now I want all of you to be safe, don't give Simon any trou""We'll be fine, I promise" I smiled to her "Flight 659 boarding to London" we heard the voice say over the intercom. "That's us" Crystal stated "Be safe, call me when you land!" My father shouted after us. "Love you!" I called over my shoulder, smiling and waving to my parents. "We're going to England!" Allie shouted, all of us laughing, excited. ~After the flight~ "We're here! We're finally here!" Allie exclaimed, jumping for joy after the long flight. Crystal rolled her eyes with a smile on her face "How do we know where to go?" She asked, being the logical one. "Umm" I stated, not thinking so far ahead. "Look! They've got your name on a sign Ana! We've gotta go there!" Allie pointed out, a man standing in a black suit and hat straight faced, holding up a sign with my name. We rolled our bags over to him "Anastasia Brooks?" He asked in a deep voice. I pointed to myself. "Follow me, your father" I cringed "wants to see you at his office." We all nodded and followed him to a black SUV, him putting our bags in the trunk. About an hour later, we pulled up to a big building, and I felt my jaw drop. The man opened our doors, and led us inside going straight to the elevator and pressing the button for the top floor. He led us down a hall, and opened a door to the right. When we all got inside, I saw a man sitting at a desk, talking to five other boys. He looked up. "Anastasia" he breathed. "Dad?"

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