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"Human talking"

'Human thinking'

"Talking in a Flashback/Memory"

"Pokémon talking"


Silver Town, Johto

Base of Mount Silver

"... ra... ake up... ease, Ly... wake up!"

Lyra groggily opened her eyes to see a person with their hands on her shoulders like they were trying to shake her awake. Grunting, she lifted her fists to rub her eyes, making the figure let go of her. When her vision cleared, she could see that the person in question was a young man with dark green hair and oval-shaped glasses. "K-Khoury...?"

"LYRA!" Khoury all but screamed, making Lyra squawk and fall over, now wide awake. "S-sorry... but thank heavens, you're awake!" He helped Lyra sit up against whatever she had been leaning on and held her steady. "I was so worried... are you alright? Are you injured? Can you walk? D-do you need me to carry you?"

"Khoury," Lyra placated, "calm down. I'm... here?" It was then that she took notice of their surroundings – they were outside, early in the morning, and she was sitting up against a wooden sign that pointed to Mt. Silver. Behind Khoury were some of the many buildings that were part of Silver Town. "Wait, but... I thought I was at the summit..."

It was Khoury's turn to fall over.

"W-wh-what?! T-the summit?!" he stammered, looking up at Lyra from his position on the ground. "But then..." he bounced back up and instantly hugged Lyra, making her squeak and blush. "Don't worry, I'll warm you up... wait, you're not cold at all." He let go of her and looked her in the eyes. "Come to think of it, if you were at the summit, then it should have taken you a full day to come back down, but it hasn't even been 24 hours since you left..."

Lyra blinked. "But... wait, how am I even down here? The last thing I remember, I got my butt kicked by-" She abruptly gasped. "Oh no, my Pokémon!" She quickly rummaged through her bag and pulled out six Poké Balls, hurriedly letting out their respective inhabitants one-by-one. Each Pokémon lay there, sleeping just like Lyra was moments ago. "Okay, there's Azumarill, Meganium... Tauros... Porygon-Z... Raticate and Wigglytuff..." After making sure her party was all accounted for, she checked to see how bad their injuries were and found... nothing. Not even a scratch was present on any of her Pokémon, as if they had never fought at all. "But that... that doesn't make any sense..."

"Lyra...?" Khoury tried to get her attention. "Are you alright...?"

'Did I dream all of that?' Lyra thought briefly. But according to Khoury, she did leave for Mt. Silver... "Khoury, when did you find me?"

"Just... just a few minutes ago, actually."

Lyra gaped. "What? But then... you said I came back in less than 24 hours, but how long was I gone, then?"

"You left 19 hours ago... Actually, the only reason I came out here was that I got so worried that I couldn't stop myself from going off after you, but then I found you already here! I thought you were hurt, so I checked you for injuries, but you appeared to be fine, so then that's when I started trying to wake you up..."

"I'm fine?" Lyra asked for clarification, receiving a nod from her boyfriend. "So then, the Ghost didn't hurt me...?"

Khoury paled. "T-t-t-the Ghost!? You... you actually saw a spirit up there?! I-if this is a joke, then it's not funny, Lyra!"

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