City of the Rainbow's Colors

693 19 18

"Human talking"

'Human thinking'

"Talking in a Flashback/Memory"

"Pokémon talking"


Celadon City, Kanto

A Charizard swooped down and landed on the roof of a large, green-and-yellow building. His Trainer slid off his back and took out a Poké Ball, recalling the winged beast inside. Clipping it back on to his belt, he looked down upon the city they had arrived in. He took off his red-and-white hat and allowed the wind to flow through his hair as he gazed at the glimmering buildings, the glowing neon signs of the game corner, the massive structure that was the department store. The city of rainbow colors that was Celadon absolutely glistened with majesty as far as his eye could see. It had been years, yet it seemed that the city still hadn't lost its reputation as the most beautiful in Kanto.

But of course, looks could be deceiving.

It wasn't his responsibility anymore to go after criminal enterprises running game corners or other shady businesses. Hell, not like he could recognize who was a criminal and who was an innocent anymore, not after all the time he'd been gone. It had been too long since he even interacted with another person, let alone an entire organization of criminals.

Then again, he had just fought someone trying to kidnap him. And the guy was pretty clear with his intentions. Of course, Red also burned the man to death, so maybe he was the bad guy?


Bah. There'd be a better time to open that can of worms.

Red turned around and saw a door leading back to the inside of the building, just like he remembered. After staring at it for a few moments, he shrugged to himself. Internal monologuing aside, it wouldn't hurt to have a look around. Just to get used to civilization, maybe blend in as an everyday nobody instead of holing himself up in a new hiding spot like he had on Mount Silver.

Plus, who knew what had changed since he was gone?

He walked over to the door and put a hand on the knob. The young man hesitated, before taking a deep breath to compose himself. He twisted the knob and opened the door (they still keep it unlocked, he thought to himself), and stepped inside.


"Are we there yet?"

"No, sweetie..."

"It's been two hours already! When are we getting there?!"

"Another two hours, dear..."

"HUH?! Can't this thing go any faster?!"

"Annie, please be quiet, do you want to get kicked out of the plane?!"

Pikachu shook his head as he peeked over from behind the seats of a mother and daughter in the row ahead of them. He was trying to take a nap in Ash's lap, but the passengers' constant bickering prevented him from even getting comfortable. The girl had been constantly pestering her mom for a half hour now, asking if they were there yet over and over, as if with every time she asked, they would somehow go faster. The yellow Pokémon turned his gaze to other passengers; some were glaring daggers at the duo, and those who weren't still had quite annoyed expressions on their faces.

"Give 'em a break," Ash said, patting Pikachu's head. "I bet she's just excited. Can't get mad for that. Besides, there's not even an hour left before we touch down, anyway. Plus, I don't hear anyone complainin'..." At this, Pikachu pointed to the faces of the other passengers. "Oh. Okay, maybe you have a point."

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