Motherly Instincts

518 13 13

"Human talking"

'Human thinking'

"Talking in a Flashback/Memory"

"Pokémon talking"


Pallet Town, Kanto

Akai Residence

If there was anything Red didn't mind being reunited with, it was his mother's cooking. As the exquisite taste of the spicy juicy curry that he just finished danced in his mouth, he took another serving of stir fry noodles and wasted no time digging into it. Putting the plate down after eating about a quarter of it, Red reached for one of the last two eggs and cracked it open over his soup, letting the yolk fall and blend inside of it. Satisfied, he took a sip of the warmest soup he had had in years. After a few more sips, Red went back to his plate of noodles, alternating between that and the bowl of soup, savoring each dish for all they were worth.


Red looked down to see Vee standing next to his chair, pouting at him and with a glint of hunger in his eye.

"... No." Red sent his Espeon a tired look.

"Espee...!" Vee started to protest.

"You can't even eat this stuff." Red dismissed his Pokémon before he could say anything else. "And don't think about sneakin' around with Psychic, or anythin' like that."

Vee finally dropped his pout in favor of sticking his tongue out at Red. "Pee-pee," he spat before stalking off.

Red simply rolled his eyes and was about to go back to eating when he felt somebody's gaze on him. Hesitating slightly, he turned his head to look at the culprit's crimson irises with his own. "... What is it?"

Rose was watching him from the couch while she rubbed Pika's belly. "Your Espeon..." she murmured. "It's such an adorable lil' thing, isn't it?"

"... Hm," Red shrugged. Poor woman didn't realize that she was being fooled. No sooner did he think that did he notice Vee's eyes flash with psychic energy, as if to say that he heard that.

For the first time in many years, Rose let out a hearty laugh. "Ah... Don't be so hard on the poor thing." She soon felt something rubbing against her legs and looked down to see Vee purring next to her. "Aww, see?" Rose got down and scratched Vee's ears, much to his delight. "Such a lil' angel... thank you for taking care of my son for eight years." While she was busy entertaining Vee and Pika, Red finished his meal and let out a content sigh. At that moment, an apron-wearing Poli enthusiastically ran into the room and took his Trainer's empty plates.

"... You're enjoyin' this job a bit too much..."

"Pori!" Poliwrath agreed before running back into the kitchen with the dirty dishes.

Red stared toward the kitchen for a bit but eventually shrugged it off and rose from his chair to stretch. But then he suddenly shot a sharp look at the window. He saw only the front yard outside, but he knew better.

'Whoever's watchin' us, tell me if they're a threat or not.'

"Espee..." Vee brought his attention the window his Trainer was glaring at, the jewel on his forehead glowing briefly before going back to its normal hue. "Ee-e." Vee shook his head in the negative.

'If you say so.' Red relaxed for a moment, only to tense up once more when he felt his mother clutch his arm.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" Rose asked worriedly. "Is there something bothering you? Was the food bad? Oh, are you feeling sick? I can get you something from the pharmacy if-"

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