Battle on Three Fronts

640 23 14

"Human talking"

'Human thinking'

"Talking in a Flashback/Memory"

"Pokémon talking"


'Fuckin' hell. Better finish this up so we can get outta here.'

The creature above Red suddenly let out a high-pitched screech from its non-existent mouth, forcing the others to cover their ears (especially poor Noivern, who had half a mind to jump into the lake beside it just to get away from the noise). In response, Kabutops and Aerodactyl opened their jaws to let out their own blood-curdling cries, and although no sound came out from them, the sheer force of their energy was enough to send a gust of wind toward its prey. Red's jacket flew open, and he was forced to hold onto his cap as his hair blew in the wind, but he otherwise kept a hard glare along with his Pikachu at his opponents.

"How interesting..."

Red redirected his attention to Oakley, who was sneering back at him (which combined with the cuts and bruises on her face made for a very unpleasant look for her).

"That... thing above you," she gesticulated to Missingno, "it's a nice little trick, I'll give you that. But come on, do you really think a light show and some loud noises are going to stop us? KABUTOPS!"

The undead Kabutops darted forward, closing the distance between its prey and itself in the blink of an eye. It raised its scythe-like arm over Red and his party, fully intent on cleaving right through them.


Red blinked when Ash's Pikachu suddenly flashed next to Kabutops as he used Quick Attack to ram into the fossil's body, the force of which was enough to stop it in its tracks. Deciding to just go with it, Red pointed forward and Pika followed up with an Iron Tail from under the beast, uppercutting it in the chin. The Kabutops' skull pointed to the sky for a few seconds but readjusted itself with a sickening crack to face its opponents, its arm raised and glistening in the moonlight.

Ash was about to call for his partner to move out of the way, only for the words to die in his throat when Red scooped up the pair of electric rodents in his arms right when Kabutops began to bring its scythe down.

" H"

As if someone had flipped a switch, Red and the two Pikachus with him found themselves above their attacker in the same spot where the creature called Missingno had been, causing Ash to snap his head toward them. Meanwhile the strange being itself flickered in front of Kabutops and stood (floated?) its ground as Kabutops' sickle drove right through its body.

Literally right through its body, as if Kabutops was slashing through thin air.

As he landed in a crouch, Red caught sight of Oakley's expression, the white-haired witch growing more confused by the second while the Kabutops skeleton kept trying to slash Missingno, as if it thought that if it attacked long enough, it would eventually work. But this wasn't meant to be, for even as its strikes became more vicious and even cut through the wind, the undead monster could not make any physical contact with the pixelllated beast.

"Pikachu!" Ash regained his footing and ran over to his Pokémon's place as Red set it and his own down. He slid on his knees and stopped right in front of the mouse. "You okay, buddy?"

"Pi-Pika..." Pikachu stuttered, somewhat shaken by the sudden teleportation.

"Ash!" Gary called as he ran up to him, Bill and Daisy following close behind. "Everythin' okay?!"

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