Two Heroes

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"Human talking"

'Human thinking'

"Talking in a Flashback/Memory"

"Pokémon talking"


"The able-bodied fighters are currently preoccupied with what appears to be a battle between the twerp and Agatha of the Elite Four."

"A number of weaker Pokémon surround the vicinity. Individually, they are of little concern. The only potential risk is if they gather their forces, a possibility we are more than prepared to mitigate."

"We now await orders, Administrator."

"Well done. Proceed with the operation as planned. As soon as the objective is completed, return to headquarters."

"Yes, ma'am!" The wickedly long-haired red-head, light-blue haired, and motherfucking Meowth chorused to the fourth voice on the other line of their communicator. After the line was cut off, two members of the trio began to quietly dance with glee.

"8 years of hard work and the best results anyone in Team Rocket could come up with, and the boss finally makes us his direct agents!" Jessie squealed. "And for an assignment so vital for the organization, too!"

"Just picture what we can do for 'im..." Meowth mused as he entered one of his trademark Boss Fantasies. "The boss is up against the whole wide wo'i'ld, just 'im, and us, and the other mooks in the team. And for a bit, it looks pretty bad. The other side's got the local fuzz! And the international fuzz! And the army! The navy! The air force!" The feline cleared his throat and put on his best Giovanni impression. " 'Boy, they all look pretty tough! I ain't got no chance of beating these monsta's! Not without the hard work of Meowth and those other two guys!' "

"Jessie and those other two guys," Jessie corrected.

"And then," Meowth went on, ignoring her, "with a snap of 'is finga's, our whole armada of Pokémon, the powerful, the legendary, the mythical, rise up and blast all 'em do-gooders to high heaven!"

"Hooray! We win big!" The two cheered in unison, but they cut themselves up when they noticed that they were missing a third.

"Oi, Jimmy," Meowth nudged the other member of their group. "Y'know, you was supposed to join in all dat."

James glanced at his companions; hesitation written all over his face.

"And what's the matter with YOU, mister?" Jessie pointed accusingly at him. "Do you realize that this is quite possibly one of the highest honors that has ever been bestowed on us? Even bigger than our mission in Unova?"

James seemed to contemplate her words for a moment, but sighed and shook his head. "Yes, but... Considering what the task at hand will ultimately contribute to..." He ran his hand through his hair. "... Is this really okay?"

Jessie and Meowth looked at each other with a hint of worry. True, they were quite surprised when they were told the overall objective that this assignment was part of – it was bigger and badder than anything Giovanni had ever ordered. The only thing that came close to this was when their leader tried to destroy the entirety of Unova, and even that was under the influence of the Reveal Glass from that incident with the Forces of Nature and that blasted Meloetta. But now...

"The boss is completely in contro'i'l of his desires," Meowth finally spoke up. "And I'm more than happy to obey a cool boss than a crazy one! And hey, y'know what they say! We're only followin' orders!"

"And besides," Jessie added, "this is more or less what we signed up for! You always say it, James! 'To extend our reaches to the stars above!' It's what we always wanted in the end!"

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