Pallet Town Champions

750 17 47

"Human talking"

'Human thinking'

"Talking in a Flashback/Memory"

"Pokémon talking"


Pallet Town, Kanto

"Rose?! It's Delia! Please, open the door!" Delia Ketchum called as she repeatedly knocked on the door of the Akai residence. She had rushed over when she realized that Ash was most likely already or on his way there; however, she didn't catch any sight of her son nearby. But her woman's intuition didn't let it get to her – Delia knew her son too well, and it made perfect sense that he'd be raring to challenge Red. Evidently, she forgot to teach him proper manners.

'I wonder how the others are faring,' Delia thought. She had enlisted the help of Brock and Gary, who were more than willing to lend a hand. Delia also made sure to let Professor Oak, his granddaughter and grandson-in-law know about the situation, and they agreed to help before things got disastrous (in other words, if Ash or Red ended up doing something too rash). She knew that Bill and the Professor were headed to the west side of town, where the Ketchum residence was, in case Ash decided to come back home.

As for Daisy...



Daisy nearly fell over when she heard the enthusiastic shrieks behind her. Somewhat fearfully, she turned around and saw two young women, one dark-haired and another light brown-haired, looking at her with stars in their eyes. "Er... Yes? Is everything okay...?" Daisy hesitantly asked.

"You... Aren't you Daisy, the superstar Coordinator?!" May ran up to her like a rabid Poochyena.

"Oh, her. I mean..." Daisy quickly shook her head before correcting herself, "Yes, I'm Daisy Oak."

"You mean, the one who won the Kanto Grand Festival 15 years ago?!" Dawn also pounced on Daisy like a crazed Luxio hyped on drugs.

"I..." Daisy began. "Well, I did win the Grand Festival back then, yes, but that was a long time ag-"

"AIEEEE!" The two younger Coordinators squealed in excitement and clasped their hands together, getting way too close for Daisy's comfort.

"I'm such a huge fan!"

"I watched all your contests when I was little!"

"Can I have your autograph?!"

"Can you be my teacher?!"

"Is it true you're a researcher now?!"

"Can you recite a poem like your grandfather?!"

The flurry of questions made Daisy nervous, and she tried to back away, only for May and Dawn to scoot closer with every step she took. "I-I'm flattered... but, um, I'm a little bit busy at the moment..."

"Oh! Then let us help you!" May cheerily offered, Dawn quickly nodding in agreement.

"Help...? Well, I..." Now Daisy was in a pickle. She had already promised not to tell anyone else about Red, but so far, she hadn't had any luck finding him. Maybe she could use some help, so long as she was careful how she asked for it. "Well, you see, I'm looking for a young man. Black hair, wearing a red cap, a few years younger than me and-"

"Ah!" Dawn and May exclaimed in unison. The former added, "We saw him headed someplace else earlier!"

Daisy's eyes widened. "You did?"

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