Better (aka fuck Semi)

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Sorry I made Semi suck ass-

TW: cheating and yelling


Angsty obviously-


Just yea-

Shirabu waited by the door anxiously for Semi to arrive. He had been excited earlier in the day when Semi said he had a surprise, but as he waited longer and longer he started feeling nervous. He wasn't sure what this 'surprise' was but he waited. As he saw the door handle fiddling his eyes widened as Semi walked in.

"Oh hey-"

"What's the surprise? Tell me now."

"Needy aren't you~"

"I've been waiting all day because of that stupid text! Now just tell me!"

Semi chuckled before he grabbed Shirabu's hands and led him to their room.

"I wanted to go somewhere special but I know you don't like stuff like that."

"What do you mean go somewhere special?"

"Shirabu Kenjirou. I have something I need to tell you."

"Just spit it out!!" He yelled slightly.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate your last name?"

Shirabu stared at Semi extremely disappointed.
"That's the surprise?"

Semi rolled his eyes before he went down on his knee reaching in his pocket. Shirabu's eyes widened as he realized what Semi had meant.

"I think my last name fits you better. So would you like to become Kenjirou Semi?"

Shirabu didn't even have words. He just hugged the older boy smiling like it was the best day of his life. It was the best day of his life, for now. Soon, the best day of his life would be when they get married.

"You dumb flirt!"

"Love you too." Semi said kissing Shirabu.


"Just a month away! It's a month away. Oh gosh do I sound stupid Taichi?!"

"Yea, definitely out of character."

"Ugh I can't help it. What if he changes his mind and leaves me for someone else. I-I don't know what I would do, ughh I hate that dumbass for making fall for him."

Kawanishi rolled his eyes at the other boy.
"Would he propose to you if he didn't love you?"

"No...but what if he changed his mind and he's just too scared to say anything? What if he's not actually with Tendou and with some girl?"

"I highly doubt that. How about we go get something to calm your nerves dummy?"

"Don't call me a dummy!" Shirabu said already grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

They decided to go to Shirabu's favorite coffee place so he would stop worrying so much. It did help and they soon ended up walking around at the mall.

They walked around before entering a small store just to look around when Kawanishi eyes widened.
"That asshole..." he mumbled causing Shirabu to turn and face him.

He followed his eyes to see Semi kissing a random girl. He clearly meant it. His eyes were closed and hands on her hips. As they pulled away they stared at each other smiling.

"I-I gotta go..." Shirabu said before he turned around wiping away his tears and running.

"KENJIROU!" Kawanishi yelled making Semi turn to the familiar voice. There he saw his fiancé's best friend glaring at him angerily.

"Fuck...fuck fuck fuck..." Semi said as Kawanishi walked over clearly pissed.


Semi rushed to open the door to his and Shirabu's house.

He rushed in looking around for the younger one to see him in their bed sobbing.


"Don't call me that."

"Shirabu I-I'm sorry I-"

"How long?"

"How long what...?" Semi asked as Shirabu sat up glaring at Semi through teary eyes.

"How long have you been with her? How long have you lied to me?
How long were you gonna lie to me?"

"Shirabu look I-I just....damnit I can't explain it. Just listen-"

"Listen to your lies? Do you remember what we said to each other when we started dating?" Semi stared at Shirabu shaking his head slowly.
"I figured. We promised we would be together for ever, and that we would never hurt the other, even if we agreed all the time. Guess I was the only one who kept that promise."

"Shirabu..." Semi said trying to pull him into a hug before Shirabu shoved him away.

"Don't. You know, I was gonna try and do this, as sweet as possible but why should I? You clearly love her more, so I have nothing to lose."

"I love you more-"

"Bullshit. Semi if you loved me more we wouldn't be here right now. What does she have that I dont?! WHAT THE HELL DOES SHE HAVE THAT I DONT! IS SHE BETTER?! PRETTIER?! NICER?! Well you know what, I'm glad you found her. I'm glad you can be happy Semi. So why don't you go give this ring to her." Shirabu yelled standing up and handing his ring to Semi.

"I can't believe I was so stupid." He said to himself wiping away even more tears.

"Shirabu look I'm sorry just-"

"Just leave. I don't need you to waste more of my time then you already have."


"LEAVE!" Shirabu shouted crying pulling his hair. He felt like everything was leaving him.

Everything he thought he had was gone.

Everything he loved was gone.

He just felt like a empty person trying to find some emotion.

Semi was good at bringing out his emotions.

But he was gone.

Because he found someone better.

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