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"Umm...h-hey Semi?"

"What's up?"

"You know how erm uh....this whole thing," Shirabu paused looking down at him and Semi's legs tangled together and their body's extremely close together. "was to make Kana jealous? So you know she could....come back..?"

"O-Oh! Um yea! Yep!!"

"You still...like her right?"



Semi turned his head away from Shirabu and to the side instead.

Feeling extremely nervous and extremely confident at the same time, he sat up and pulled Semi's head to face him softly.

"Can we kiss? Like...how we do...at school?"

"B-but....nobody is here. To see."

"I know.."

Semi looked down for a moment and slowly sat up to sit directly in front of Shirabu. Finally he looked back at Shirabu's brown gorgeous eyes and sensed uneasiness in them.

"Can, we?" He asked again, the small confidence shining in his eyes.

Semi looked back to the side and mumbled something Shirabu couldn't quite catch.

"Can you repeat that..?"

"Shirabu I...I don't think this whole thing is....fake. Anymore."

"I don't either."

Semi looked back and closed his eyes leaning forward. Shirabu followed in suit and soon enough their lips met together.

Even though they did this many many times before, it was extremely different this time.

No one was watching to go tell their friends.
They weren't doing it just to make Semi's ex jealous.
They weren't faking it.

This was real.

And for both boys, it was a huge relief.

After a few moments of their lips coming together and showing all the love that had built up in what was a "fake" relationship, Shirabu slowly moved back, but not too far. They could still feel each other's breath and Semi looked at Shirabu with somewhat thankful eyes.


"Shirabu I love you. For...r-real."

"Me too. For real." He said with a small smile and tear filled eyes.

It may have seemed stupid to be crying over a kiss, especially when they had done it plenty times before, but it was such a heavy weight he was finally able to let go of.

He couldn't help but want to cry. Semi chuckled at this and rubbed the tear that was beginning to fall.

"Holy shit Shirabu you don't understand how fucking happy I am-"
Semi came to a abrupt pause when Shirabu suddenly hugged Semi. It was a tight hug telling Semi plenty of things, and he hugged back sending his own messages to Shirabu.

"I love you so much Semi."

SemiShira oneshots Where stories live. Discover now