I'm really sorry Semi

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Trigger Warning?

Not spelled check so don't get mad

Semi chuckled at Shirabu as he rolled around in his sleep pulling Semi close, and then suddenly trying to be all by himself. Semi came to learn that Shirabu was just like that.

He also learned Shirabu was a sleep talker over the past year. He would hear him say his name often, sometimes others from the teams, and occasionally some random person from his class that he didn't like.

Shirabu moved closer to Semi and ended up staying there for a bit, and Semi found it cute. That was until he felt Shirabu slightly shaking and spotted small tears running down his face.

"S-sorry...sssorry. Sooo ssorrry.."

Semi started getting a little concerned pulling Shirabu closer to him, but not trying to wake him up just yet.

"Mm sorryyy."

"Shirabu..?" Despite Semi's voice being barely a whisper Shirabu seemed to snap awake hearing his voice.

"I'm sorry!" He said much more louder and clearly then before. He was breathing a bit heavy and when he realized it was only a nightmare he calmed down laying back down on Semi.

"You wanna tell me what that was about..?"

"I...I um..no!"

Semi was a bit suprised by this answer. Shirabu told him everything.

He couldn't think of one time when Semi asked a question and Shirabu didnt answer. It's not like he needed to know, but still Semi would like to know.

"Are you...sure?"

Shirabu nodded before he took a deep breath. He looked over at his phone and grabbed it.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Shirabu did go to the bathroom, but Semi was pretty sure he didn't use the bathroom.

He could hear Shirabu mumbling to himself, so either he was talking to himself, or on the phone with someone. Who though?

Who would be up at 2 in the morning.

And further more, who would Shirabu call at 2 in the morning.

Shirabh walked out of the bathroom and took a breath before he looked at Semi and tried to give a smile.

"Are you okay Shirabu?"

"Y-Yea. It was just a nightmare about...u-uh...losing you." 

"Shirabu.." Semi said standing up from his bed and holding Shirabu in his arms.
"I'm not going anywhere."

"Yea.." Shirabu said hugging Semi back.


"Hey Shirabu."


"I know you said your busy, but do you mind if ask what?"

"Homework.." Shirabu said quietly, putting his volleyball shoes in his locker and avoiding eye contact with Semi.

"Oh...um...I know your super smart, but maybe I could help?"

"I've got it on my own. Thanks though. I need to get home so-"

"I can walk you home?"

"...fine." Shirabu shut his locker and Semi smiled and quickly put away his stuff.

They both left the locker room saying bye to the other team mates and Shirabu walked a bit faster then normal.

Semi had a bad feeling.

"Shirabu....are you...avoiding me?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"I mean I don't know...we haven't been together since last week. We talked at school and texted but you keep falling asleep early- a-and it's not like you have to stay up! I just-"

"Semi I um...Im sorry."

"What do you mean...?"

"I've been...lying. To you."

They both stopped walking and while Semi stared at Shirabu, he looked everywhere but Semi.

"What do you mean?"

"I've...I-I've been talking...to other p-people. Person. Girl...."

Semi grabbed Shurabu's hand and held it tight but Shirabu did nothing back.
"I don't think I love you anymore. Last week that nightmare wasn't losing you...it was losing her."

Semi didn't really know what to say.

Another girl?

This whole time he believed it would just be him and Shirabu.

No one else.

"I'm really sorry Semi.."

"You're...You're joking right? I-It was supposed be us. Just us."

"I really am sorry Semi. Just...I don't feel the same way as I did before. I think we should stop talking all together to be honest."

"Why? W-What did I do?! C-Can't we be friends at least?"

"Semi she doesn't want me talking to you. I'm sorry but I really love this girl. I don't think you'll be able to accept it."

"I don't understand...Shirabu I...I-J love you."

Semi grabbed Shirabu's other hand and held them in his, but his heart broke even more when Shirabu pulled them away and took a step back.

"Sorry Semi. Please let's not talk unless nessaciry for volleyball." Shirabu said before he started walking away leaving Semi with tears in his eyes.

"Fuck...FUCK!!" Semi yelled a second time pulling at his hair as he fell to the ground. He stayed their sobbing for a bit until he decided he didn't wanna sit there and cry. He stood up and started walking back to his own house, the one Shirabu had a nightmare about losing someone else in.

When he made it home he slammed the door and ignored his parents concerned and slightly agitated voices. He ran to his room and fell in bed crying and yelling.

"God damnit!! What a fucking waste!!" Semi yelled digging his fingernails into the pillow that was a little wet from all his tears.

He huddle up in a ball and pulled the pillow close by.

"Why do I always fuck up?"

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