Spooky Dreams :(

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I woke up. A door closed this time...it wasn't that loud, but being the light sleeper I am, I easily heard it.

It must be Semi. I turned over to him. Wait what...? He's here. Then who's...closing doors? Careful not to wake Semi, I slipped out of our bed. I opened the door and peeked.

I felt myself freezing.

There was someone I had never seen looking through our shelf's and cabinets for anything valuable.

"Shirabu.....did you get a snackkk?"

I widened my eyes as the person turned his head to our bedroom. I closed the door hoping he didn't see and quickly rushed to Semi quietly.

"Semi get up, someone's in here we need to hide."

"Someone's here...?"

"J-Just come on please."

"Hey Shirabu its okay. Come on I'll-"

"I'm serious Semi someone's here! Just come on!" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the bed dragging him to the closet. Just as we were about to be hidden I felt Semi's wrist leave my hand.


I turned back around to see the guy with Semi, and a gun pointing at his head.

When he realized the situation Semi held his hands up.

"Give me your wallet."

"Hey Shirabu don't-"

"Shut it or I'll shoot you."

"DON'T YOU DARE!" I shouted looking around for anything to free Semi.

"Or else what? You're gonna beat me?" I couldn't fight him, he was much bigger then me and seemed a lot stronger.
"Now hand it over."

I looked at Semi who was shaking his head. I felt tears running down my face. I couldn't risk losing Semi.

I slowly walked over to where my dresser was and reached inside for it. I grabbed it and handed it to him.

"L-Let him go." I said.

He smiled and let him free. He ran to me immediately and hugged me.
"You didn't have to do that."

"Of course I did I can't lose you Semi."

But then a loud gun shot rang. And I felt Semi tense up. And then blood.

I pulled away seeing a small sad smile on his face.

"H-Hey Shirabu.."

"No." I watched as he fell back on me for support, barely able to catch him I laid him on the floor.

"Semi no. D-Don't leave." I felt tears falling even faster then before seeing a pool of blood begin to form.

"I love you okay...?"

"Eita don't s-say that. Please...d-don't say that Eita.."

He looked at me with a small soft smile full of pain and rubbed my tears away.

"I'm sorry..." he said his eyes closing.

"It's not your fault....hey....d-don't leave I said. Eita! EITA!!!"

He just laid there. Eyes closed, like when he slept. Semi sleeping was peaceful, he's eyes closed and his chest rose and fell as he breathed.

But he wasn't breathing.

"You...YOU BASTARD!!!" I yelled running to hit the man. I I didn't care if I died. There wasn't a point anymore.

Then I felt it. A shot to my chest.

"I can't have witness, so you and your boyfriend had to die. Fucking homos."

So this is it?

I'm gone just like that. Why did this have to happen?

Why did Semi have to leave?


"Kenjirou wake up!"

Semi. It was Semi's voice.

"Eita..." I said as I felt his hand wiping away tears I had.

"Hey what's wrong? You were shaking..."

"You...t-this guy got in and I tried to h-hide with you but then he got you and I freed you but he shot you anyways a-and you died. Y-You left me alone. T-Then I got mad and tried to beat him b-but he shot me too. And then I realized I didn't want to die, I didn't want you to die, I didn't-"

"Hey hey. It's alright....it was just a nightmare. It's not real...I'm still here, you're still here. We're both still alive. No one else is here just me and you okay?"

He pulled me into a hug placing soft kisses on my head.


He's still here with me.

It's okay.

Bleh that was gross I didn't like that but whatever- yea I know it's stupid the guy was stupid but I mean hey it's a dream-

Anyways I kinda wanna write not appropriate stuff- but I'm bad it so idk- BUT IDK WHAT I SHOULD DO SO LIKE IDEASSSS?

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