Yandree Semi is kinda hot

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Yea Yandere Semi is hot.

Anyways- he's like- crazy-

Trigger Warnings!

Semi smiled at the sleeping boy. He was on his side facing away from Semi. As Semi kept staring Shirabu turned slightly now facing Semi. Semi stared at him as he took out his phone and snapped a picture.

He looked at the picture but because of the window, it came out blurry. He groaned annoyed as he looked again at the sleeping Shirabu. He tried opening the window but it was locked. He looked around seeing if there was any way to get into his room. When that failed he looked for a way to get inside his house.

He smiled when he found a key under the doormat. Semi unlocked the door and quietly snuck into his crush's house. He opened the door to Shirabu's room and smiled as he saw the younger one still sleeping peacefully. He once again opened his phone and this time took a picture.

It was perfect.

Shirabu stirred in his sleep. He felt an uneasy feeling. He wasn't sure why. He opened his eyes looking around his room for anything abnormal, but everything was just how it was when he went to sleep. The only thing different was that the door was open.

Shirabu took a deep breath as he closed his eyes again trying to go back to sleep. Semi smiled as peeked through the closet at the boy.

'So cute.'


Shirabu turned around seeing a small glimpse of ash blonde hair rush behind the wall. Shirabu looked around shaking a bit as he became slightly more paranoid. Recently he had been seeing Semi near him quite often. It would be normal but when it happens for over 2 weeks he couldn't help but feel something was off. He continued walking hoping he was just hallucinating.

Shirabu continued walking to his classes every now and then checking behind him to see if Semi was following him.

He swore he was.

"Hey Taichi I need to talk to you." Shirabu said as he entered the classroom, Semi right behind him of course.

"Hm? What do you need?"

"You know Semi? I swear he's been following me. And last night I think someone snuck into my room somehow...I don't know I'm just paranoid..."

"You think Semi did it? Have you ever talked to him before?"

"Just once like a year ago, he fell and I helped him up and we talked for like 5 minutes...just could you maybe walk me home? Please?"

Kawanishi's face turned a bright shade of pink at the request, but he nodded and Shirabu thanked him.

Semi sighed from the other side of the classroom annoyed. He watched as the two continued talking noticing that Kawanishi's face was red. He clearly loved Shirabu. But he couldn't have that.

"Sorry love, I'll have to get rid of your little friend~" Semi whispered to himself quietly.


Kawanishi opened his locker to find a small little letter fall out. As it fell he picked it back up and opened it curiously.

Do not walk him home. Do not talk to him. Do not think about him.

He is mine.

Kawanishi stared at the letter a bit frightened as he reread it once again.
He held it in his hands not really believing it.

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