Semi dies for a day lmao

603 16 13

Alright alright, hear me out, the idea was separation anxiety and I don't know if I nailed or not tbh

So don't make fun of me

Anyway Trigger Warning(?)
Separation Anx!3ty
Mention of n@!l b!t!ng
St@bb!ng/kn!f3 u$3

Shirabu tried not to bite his nails, after he had gone for so long not doing the bad habit he didn't want to go back to his old ways.

Yet, he still couldn't help but feel anxious. The longer Semi took, the more he started to worry.

Semi was supposed to come an hour ago. Semi was usually late to things, it's just how he was, the complete opposite of Shirabu. He didn't mind though, he gotten used to it after being with him so long.

Yet, after the 30 minute mark, panic started settling in. He tried calling him serval times, but every time it went to voice mail.

He sent more texts then he did calls and started pacing back and forth in his room. He took a glance at his nails and that's when he really realized something was wrong.

There had to be.

Semi promised he would be with Shirabu today. It was unexpected. at first Shirabu planned to be with some of his friends, but after the two had a fight Shirabu wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to talk to Semi about it, so he promised he would come over.

But the longer Shirabu waited, the more he stressed.

"Mmmm h-he would be here by now....I k-know he would. What if something happened?! Like he got d-drugged? Or...or or, his parents fought again? And he g-got cau-caught up in it again?!"

Shirabu sent more texts to Semi, and he stared for a minute or two, hoping for a response.


More thoughts flooded into his head and when tears started to form he decided he couldn't wait to figure out what was happening.

He grabbed his shoes, a coat, and walked out the door. He looked at his phone hoping that he would receive a call or at least a text from Semi.

Still nothing.

That's when more thoughts started to come in his head, some that he knew weren't true. But what if?

"Maybe h-he's just...tired...of me..?" He mumbled out, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. Shirabu's hands started shaking and he decided to attempt to block out the thoughts.


It was a terrible attempt. He continued walking to Semi's house, but more thoughts that were impossible kept flying into his head.

What if he hates me?
What if he's tired of me?
What if I fucked up?
Am I being annoying?
Am I overreacting?
I'm being clingy aren't I?
I seem needy right?

Still he continued walking, and when's Semi's house came into view he couldn't help but start running. He ringed the doorbell, a little more then he needed to, but he didn't care.

"What do you want?" Semi's mom.

This was the first time Shirabu ever met her, but he could already tell everything Semi told him was true.

"W-Where's Semi? Or- I-I mean Eita?!"

She shrugged his shoulders and tried to close the door but Shirabu moved his foot in the way.

"W-Wait...are you s-serious?!"

"Yes? He's old enough to care of himself."

"He's still your fucking son!!"

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