7 mintues in heaven but its wholesome

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"Semi and Shirabu!"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Great." They both glared at the other while Tendou rolled his eyes.

"Just go!" Tendou shoved them in the closet, and Semi let out a loud sigh.

"I can't believe I'm even playing this stupid game." Semi looked back at Shirabu who looked to the side covering his face.

It was cute in Semi's eyes, and he cursed himself for thinking like that again.

"Hey Semi."


"I know...I know that we both don't really like each other. Because of the whole setter thing, but can I tell you something?"

Right. Him and Shirabu were really close before the starting positions were decided.

That arugumeng changed everything.

Both regret the words said, and the actions committed. But neither got a chance to apologize. They were blocked on the others phone.

"Yea. The setter thing."

"Yep. Umm." Shirabu took a pause and Semi looked down at the floor.

"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry."

After the words were said from each person, their breath hitched and they looked up at each other. A small smile creeping onto Semis face, while a shocked face took over Shirabu's.

"No Semi I'm-"
"Shirabu I said-"

They both paused and Semi stifled a laugh.
"You can go."

"Semi it's my fault it all ended. I had no reason to...act like that towards you. I understand now why you were upset, I wish I did back then."

"Shirabu no. I shouldn't have been mad I should've been happy for you. Beating your upperclassman, pretty sick if you ask me." Semi said with a smile, and Shirabu felt his face grow warm.
"I'm sorry I lashed on you. Their was a lot of feelings."

"You're telling me."

"I doubt it's the kind your thinking."

Shirabu looked up at Semi, but his face was hidden from view, turned to the side and gaze to the floor. Shirabu stared at Semi, and slowly moved his hand to Semi's face, turning it to look at him.

Semi was startled by the sudden action at first, but didn't resist Shirabu's head turning. In fact, he leaned into the touch without even realizing it. Shirabu grinned and moved his face closer to Semi's seeing how his face started to burn up.

"I don't think I ever lost feelings."

"Me either."

Without it being spoke, both boys knew what the other was referring to. Shirabu cupped Seni's face and pulled it close to his, taking note of the was Semi's eyes stared into him. Focused on only him.

"Can we finally-"

"Kiss? Yes." Semi answered and Shirabu couldn't help but roll his eyes and smile. He pulled Semi'c close as his own face became warm with Semi touch. Semi copied Shirabu, and leaned in meeting him in the middle.

Their lips softly came together, and both hearts were exploding on the inside. The few seconds spent with no space between their lips was absolutely wonderful, and Semi  pulled back first actually shocked that what happened just happened.


"Yes Semi. Yes." Shirabu said giggling as he pulled Semi into a hug.

Semi hugged him back and they stayed like that for a minute. Semi pulled back and took Shirabu's hands in his. He gave a small squeeze and looked at Shirabu with loving eyes.

"Can I come to your place after this?"

"And cuddle with each other like we used to?"

"Yea. Except this time, we're not denying our feelings for each other."

Both boys let out a giggle and Shirabu nodded squeezing Semi's hands.


"I'm glad this happened."

"Me too."

The doors flung open and Semi let go of Shirabu's hand, the smile not leaving his face.

"Sooo, one of you guys get the dick, or a black eye. Actually don't y'all hate each other. Pairing yall up was pretty bad huh?"


"It was perfect." Shirabu said with a small smile and Tendou gave a suspicious look between the 2.

"I guess sec resolves arguments."

"I didn't fuck Semi."

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