Chapter Two: Expect the Unexpected

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Blue's POV

Killer was beside me all the way, guiding me to a room that had red accents. In the middle was a bed fit for a king, which made sense, considering Nightmare WAS a king and this was his place, after all. It even had the canopy on it! And it had curtains so that I could close the rest of the room off. I was scared to sit down on it, it seemed like I wasn't supposed to...
Killer, on the other hand, flopped onto the bed, facedown, like it was one that he'd had since a child. I couldn't help but laugh.
"What? My feet are tired." Came his muffled voice. I gently sat down next to him as he rolled over. "Listen..." His voice grew serious.
"Whatever happened to you, I promise you, it will never happen again. You have a new place now, with us. I know you might not trust us yet, but I can assure you, outside of fighting, we're a bunch of dorks."
I laughed at that. "Thank you. I'll try to make it up to you."
"Well, don't feel like you have to go on missions with us or anything drastic like that."
"I...don't plan on it."
He smiled. I did too. I'd barely seen Killer in fights, and when I did, he looked cold, unforgiving. The one I saw before me was a sensitive, caring person, even if his soul wasn't exactly there...
I blinked. "Hmm?"
"You've been staring at me for two whole minutes. Do I have something on my face?"
"N-no, it's..." I blushed. Had I really been just staring? Embarrassing... "It's your eyes..." I finished lamely.
"They scare you, don't they?"
"What? No, they're comforting. It's nice to look at someone and not see any judgement..."
"Really? I never thought about it like that..."
I smiled. Killer's pocket buzzed and he took out his phone. He stared for a minute, then laughed. It was a short barking kind of laugh, and I jumped.
"It's fine. I'm always jumpy..."
"Anyway, Night always sends me these short-ass caveman-speak messages, listen to this." He cleared his throat, speaking in a deep voice. "Going on mission. Stay with guest."
I snorted. "Nice impression."
"Bet I can crush you in Monopoly."
"You just signed a deal with the devil."

*timeskippy brought to you by Caveman Noot Noot*

Fell's POV

We got home just in time to hear a defeated wail from Killer and Blue's excited squeal. "2,000!"
"I can't pay that..."
"Are you giving up?"
"What are you two doing?" We entered the living room as Killer had his head on the table. Blue reached over the game board and patted his head. "He thought he'd challenge me and win. I may not be a soulless fighter, but I know my way around a game board."
"How many times did you play?"
"Only twice."
"If we had a third round, I would win..."
"Wanna bet?"
"Loser washes dishes!" Horror called out.
"Deal." Killer and Blue shook hands and reset the board. The rest of us made a circle around them to watch.
It quickly became clear how Blue won. He completely relied of the other person hoarding money, which Killer always did, and then bought only the biggest properties. He kicked Killer's ass to the curb.
"Goddamnit!" Killer skulked off to the kitchen.
"Jeez, Blue, show a little compassion."
Blue turned to Dust, who had spoken. "Never heard of it."

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I couldn't find any of the ship, so here you go

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I couldn't find any of the ship, so here you go.

Saved From The Light (Bad Sanses x Blue)Where stories live. Discover now