Chapter 21:

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Alexia's POV:

"Lexi, princess, come on. It's time to wake up." Beck whispered in my ear. I growled and rolled over. 'Did you just growl at me, baby?" I can hear him smirking. "Oh my big tough girl, come on now. Up."

"Nuh-uh," I groaned and buried my face into my pillow. "Half an hour, pretty please?"

"Fine but only one. I'll be in my office. If you're cute little butt is not in my office in half an hour i'll come get you myself." He growled playfully. I hummed in response and he kissed my cheek before quietly leaving. I sighed in content and snuggled deeper into the sheets. I drifted in and out of sleep for the next five minutes, when im jolted awake. It's a throbbing ache, in my abdomen. After a few minutes the pain steadily increased, and I soon felt moisture between my legs. Oh no, god no. I huffed and propped myself up on one elbow and reached for my phone. I quickly pressed the home button and the screen lit up, revealing the date. Crap.

I rolled over and placed my feet on the floor. I shakily stood up as another wave of pain coursed through me. I groaned and waddled my way over to the bathroom. Yup Mother Nature decided to make her monthly visit. I went and hopped into the shower and cleaned myself up. Once I had finished I grabbed a towel and dried myself off. I hurried into the room and grabbed a clean pair of panties out of the dresser and handled it quickly. I sighed and crawled back into bed. I looked over at my phone and realized I had five minutes before Beck came to get me. Might as well get up now. I got up and checked to make sure our sheets weren't ruined. I exhaled in relief when I saw they were fine and decided to head down to Beck's office.

As I got closer I heard voices in his office, but noticed his door was still open. I stepped inside and leaned against the doorframe. The boys were in his office and when I got there he was leaned back in his big leather chair, with his head resting on his crossed arms. At my presence his eyes snapped up from the boys in front of him to my face. He smiled and stood, walking over to me.

"Hey princess, what's wrong baby? You seem off." I pouted and wrapped my arms around his neck. "What's the matter?" he asked, kissing my temple. "Are you hurt baby? I can smell the blood on you. What happened. Tell me." He said taking my face in his hand, his eyes scanning my body for injury.

"Beck stop" I whined, pushing him away.

"Lexi, tell me what's wrong with you or I'll take you to the doctor to find out myself." he said sternly. I blushed and looked down.

"No." I whispered.

"Then what's up?"

"I'm on my period," I mumbled and shifted uncomfortably. He lifted my chin to look at him, and his eyes softened.

"Oh baby. Are you ok? How are you feeling? Did you take anything?" he whispered in my ear, quiet enough for just me to hear. I sighed and just held him closer. I heard a soft snicker, that was quickly covered with a cough. Beck turned and glared at the culprit, Ryan, and picked me up, wrapping my legs around his torso. He carried me over to his desk chair and sat down, with me in his lap. I buried my burning face in his chest and he rubbed my back. he resumed talking to the boys, and I snuggled closer to him.

"Are you sure you don't want to put her in bed, Beck? She's falling asleep in your lap..." Will began, but I growled lowly, and the boy laughed, Will raised his hands in mock surrender "Ok maybe not," I sighed and whimpered, as more cramps flowed through my body. One of my hands fisted into his shirt and he cooed in my ear soothingly. The boys were talking about this and that, training plans and using land on the otherside of the territory and allies, when my stomach grumbled loudly. I groaned and pushed myself off of Beck's chest.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat. You want anything babe?" I said, pausing at the door.

'Thanks babe, I'll take some coffee. Black." Carter said and winked. Beck growled and glared at him.

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