Chapter 28

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At late evening after the tumultuous roars of the dragon and shrieks of the devious witch occured within the castle. The Queens room lid up in flames, Damian rushed towards his wife's room immediately with haste. The fire was high and wide as is spread at great speed and havoc.

No one new what happened, everything that Damian could see as he entered his wife's room were torn pages of his journals about seeking immortality and reviving the dead. His eyes scanned the area and saw Maria lying at one of her rooms holding her long lost child. Getting her out of there was his top priority as her jewels could be salvage later and her other belongings are replaceable.

Maria was fine, just in a deep sleep with a bit of dirt on her. As for the princess, Damian removed the child at her arms and summoned out Lilith who was in worry, to prepare a small burial ceremony for her sister.

The young princess didn't knew what she would do with her sister, her mother never left her any instructions though she knew well where her mother might want her child to rest. Beside her elder brother, would be a safe Haven for the children to rest. She didn't even knew her mother had given birth!

Since the lost was kept as a secret, only a small ceremony was done. There was no proper burial for the small princess, Damian was against it. Thinking it would do more bad at his image. Lilith didn't had a choice but she well to inform King Charles and have it kept as a secret or both of them had to answer to the King. The poor wolf was heart broken, to have a part of his family perished because of the wicked King, he knew so well of Maria's efforts to maintain peace. He was worried for his own child's safety as well, closer to the murderer than ever.

For five days Maria lay in Damian's bed unconscious, Lilith was more worried of her mother. She noticed her mothers slight dark marks at her arms and her cheeks swollen. Mostly her mother's abdomen was light purple. It was then Lilith knew what suffering her mother had and she didn't knew anything. She does know that if anything happens to her mother, Basile would had her right at his domain away from Damian immediately.

Damian killed her sister, the child of her mother's beloved. She did find out from Atticus that Maria was still carrying another healthy child. The young princess wept at her sisters death, soon to discover her mother's and Laylana's confrontation.

Laylana wept and blamed herself, wishing to have never been born. She caused so many deaths, including the child of her friend including her own mother. Lilith tried her best to comfort her new friend as she worries for her mother's health. The Queen must have passed out in deep sadness and slept at her sorrow.

It wasn't common for vampires but it was their way of showing immense grief towards a love one. Lilith couldn't bare to call that man as her father nor as a King she would pledged loyalty too. She would own him nothing for she was a child of King Basile. She used to be ashamed of her birth with her mother's lover than a rightful husband should. But now she was more proud of her name and blood to be away from the wrathful King. The King who knows nothing but to kill and torture his victims.

As she embraced the depressed wolf princess, she noticed scars her arms. Lilith kissed Laylana's cheek saying it wasn't her fault and nothing was her fault. Both wept in sorrow and guilt. She wished she knew what had happened when her mother and that bastard came back to find Adeena. She could have at least protected her mother. Perhaps her sister would have been alive.

She regretted being not there to protect her mother, she promised herself would always be with her mother. But alas she wasn't, how deep vain and anguish of misery she felt at her heart. As she clinged her sister at her arms before laying the small princess at the glass coffin. Her blood tears streamed down.

She couldn't say goodbye nor accept the death of her new baby sister. She could have finally have someone to braid hair with or teach how to dance and sing. Aside from Avery who could be possibly awoken. This little babe will never know her own mother nor sister, or even yet her own father. Lilith could see the pain at Laylana's eyes, she could see how the wolf has suffered compared to her. She grew up well without much worries besides her own mother seeking revenge as she aid her.

"Lilith, there you are!" Said Basile as he saw his daughter at the wolf princess room crying.

"Princess Laylana, my excuses. " he bowed down his head as both beings rose up to greet him.

"There's a bit of good news! " the King's brother smiled.

Lilith eyes sparkled as she grabbed Laylana's arm and dashed into the hallways to her mother. When she opened the doors, her mother screamed.

The Queen jumped off her bed in surprised and clinged to Damian saying a foreign language. A language she knew from her grandmother's opposed dramas. The woman looked at her curiously with a slightly opened mouth as she whispered to Damian's ear asking who they were as they stand at the door way.

"Gongzhu Xuehua? " Lilith softly spoke as Laylana looked at Maria or Xuehua puzzled and in shock.

Damian's dead wife was back...

But where is Maria?

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