Chapter 9

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"There's been news of missing wolf children from different packs they said dark demonic magic was used." said Basile to Maria as he was invited over for tea with his wife, Czarina in the castle. After sneaking out the castle last night they made it back safely.

"And you're telling me cause?"

"Maria after the attack last night, children from different wolf packs that aided the King of Werewolves have been kidnapped."

"So what?"

"Aren't you interested on solving the case or... Helping them?"

"The King can take care of his own people as my King take cares of his duties and procrastinated work he left behind. Also you, my King need to go do your duties."

"I have a lot of Children to take it care for me!" he laughed.

"Aren't you worry that they'll do a far more suitable job than you or try to overtake your throne?"

"We're immortals Maria, it's most likely a chore than a job."

Maria nodded and took a sip from her cup.

"You're belly is swolling up bigger, more in each day."

"I know, the baby is getting heavy and I've been waddling than walking now." she said as Czarina came in the room.

"Pregnancy suits you, cause you'll look definitely the moon. Glowing and round!" he snickered that Czarina hit his neck which cause him to spit out his tea.

"Hey! What gives?! I hate it when you do that.." he mumbled at the end.

"Don't make fun of Maria or Damian's going to cut off your dick if you continue." said Czarina and sat beside Maria.

"How's the pregnancy life?" her friend asked with a smile.

"It sucks!" Maria groaned as another motion sickness hit her again.

Having her head on the side of the table and flickering her fingers indicated she needed a bucket.

Basile gave her a bucket nearer to her face that when it got close to her. She vomited hard.

" I hate my life!!!!" she screamed and wiped her mouth with the napkin on the table.

"No one told you to eat everyday." Basile boosted.

"Does this baby look like a normal Vampire? It's not. " she protested and went back to vomit. Czarina rubbed her back and tried to calm her down as she later drank tea again. She doesn't drink blood regularly though sometimes she feels like she needed an entire pool of blood to drink.

The baby needed blood and food as nourishment. How will Damian reacted if he'll find out that the child is a hybrid though she knew, the King was having his suspicions.

The door bolted open and Lilith ran towards her mother but slowed down when she heard a struggling sound of vomiting.

"Lilith! My beautiful daughter, what brings you over?"

"Is mama okay?" the child asked who now looks like she aged and was almost in her puberty age.

"I am fine! Fi-ne ughh..." Maria was cut off.

"Don't worry Child, it's common for us women when carrying a child to undergo changes in our body for the comfort of the baby inside." said Czarina.

"Okay Mommy." Czarina then asked what brought her over and Lilith told her that she heard the servants telling news of children from different wolf packs were kidnapped.

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