Chapter 6

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Yesterday became today and now I am sitting at the corner of my bed at the old Manor.

Yes I threw away a lot of tantrums, screaming and cursing him with a lot of names as he carried me back. Behaving childish. Opening up a portal,  I already had my goodbyes to my family in the evening. With the money I invested in two years, I left it all to my parents but they didn't knew I bought Atticus' property or even knew him. We all knew we couldn't oppose him, like the government can help.

He left me alone when he got me in my room and had me serve up my favorite pie. I only ate it cause I was not trying to kill my baby. Plus I didn't wanted Madam's effort to go to waste. I don't know if he smelled me now but he was eyeing my stomach since he came in yesterday banging at my life again.

I know I've been yapping all my doubts and problems in my mind. Overthinking and being stress, which is not good for the baby.

Lilith was under Czarina's care like I'll left my own child with James. I still wanna tear his face away,  demanding my daughter as payment!  Defeated I was I made the deal but we have a promise of half a century to find her beloved.

I already ate half of the whole pie and looking out the window, there were birds. Little blue birds, all fluffy and cute.

They were so adorable, I wanted to touch and pet them but Damian had it bolted lock. There wasn't even a window back then,  how much did he renovated at the place?

He had Sigmund outside my door and I felt lonely. I was all alone. Watching back at the pie, a light caught my eye.

Tiny specks of reflected light coming from the ring. They looked like little green fireflies.

'Cole... ' a few tears ran out of my eyes. Touching my belly I smiled and cried. I didn't know what was the reason. All I knew I felt happy, contended and miserable.

I felt the bed sink in a little,  Damian was laying down behind me. He had his hand sneak up to my stomach,  I freaked out and held my breath. I felt his aura getting stronger,  his eyes turned to glow gold as I did with mine as I removed his hand.

He probably have heard it. The heartbeat,  for a human it would take almost six weeks but I was carrying another hybrid. It would be faster,  stronger and threatening. Carrying Cole's child now is not the greatest move to live with Damian as of now but I didn't had a choice.

"You're pregnant. " his voice was calm but more likely surprised.

"You've notice..." I sounded more devastated than I should have.

"I did, it's growing fast. Faster than a vampire or a demon could take. "

I looked at him yet he wasn't mad. His face was stoic and paler than the last time I seen him. His hair was all over the place and he had it rough. He patted at his side and told me to lay down with him which I did. It wasn't a command but if I was going to live my eternal days with him. At least there's a bit of peace than us hating each other all the time.

"So.. Aren't you going to rip it out and kill me? "

"Aspetta Costa (wait what), Why am I gonna do that? "

"I heard from Basile that you ripped out a hybrid from her mother's womb. "

"Ordered to kill not that,  if anyone should do it. Then it would be the one I ordered too. "

"Who? "

"You know I have Phillip do all the dirty work I need to do. "

"Are you serious?! " I shouted which he was surprised.

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