Chapter 16: Merriment and Resolution

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Ian sat across his sister at the dinner table. The chatter of Kristen's kids made the meal an entirely delightful affair. Ian stared at both his niece and nephew with immense love; he knew he would miss them the most once he returned to New York tonight. He was trying to absorb all their silly jokes and banter; he was wholly glad to have his grandmother present here, along with everyone, to see him off. This was the warmest he had felt in a very long time.
"Ian, you have hardly touched anything on your plate." Kristen pulled Ian out of his daze.
"Oh! You know why I haven't touched it!" Ian's lips quirked in answer.
"Really?!" Kristen replied, feeling clueless about what Ian was referring to.
"Yeah! 'Cause your cooking is so damn awful!" He gave a hearty laugh at that and soon the dinner table was echoing with laughter that could be heard even across the street. Ian knew the little joke was going to rile his sister up because she was always particular about her cooking - and she cooked quite well.
"Ian! I have put hours worth of work into this so you better finish your plate!"
"Kris, I feel like one of your kids right now!" And then he looked at them and sympathized, "You guys I am so sorry. Must be tough having such a strict mother!"
"Yes!! She never lets us have any fun! She just wants us sitting at the table or staring at books all day! She wants us to be good and proper all the time!" Beatrice muttered inbetween bites.
"Yes, Uncle. Can't you make our mom more fun like you?" Aaron pleaded to his uncle Ian.
"Now, now, you guys have plenty of fun everyday. But when it's time to work, you have to work! You won't be like your Uncle Ian if you don't work hard. He might seem like an easy going man but he worked very hard growing up!"
"He did?" The kids asked in unison.
"Yes! Why else would he be where he is today?! It is all his hard work and resilience! That's the key to success!"
"My, Kris, you really don't stop, do you. We are having a family dinner and you have to make it a point to give a sermon in there!" Ian announced bashfully.
"Ian, they are never too young to learn!"
And then Simon, Kristen's husband, interjected, "That's my girl! Always thinking of our kids. Ian, I can't tell you how lucky I feel when I think she gave me a chance. I mean, this woman, she has turned my life around! I credit my success to her!" He then munched on some garden salad before continuing, "Ian, when do you plan on enjoying some domestic bliss? Any girl you are getting serious about?"
Ian didn't think his lovelife was an appropriate dinner table dicussion but decided to humor the lot anyway, "Well, I don't know, I think I am beginning to take interest in someone...!"
Kristen was immediately alerted, "Ian, are you serious? There's someone in your life?"
Ian felt unsettled about having divulged about his secret crush on Tara during a family gathering, he wanted to take his words back, "Sis, my lovelife, at present, is non-existent. I was just trying to amuse you guys a bit. I think it'll be years before I can find what you guys have. This isn't easy to come by, you guys should count yourselves lucky."
Kristen was crestfallen by Ian's non-committal response and decided not to prod further- atleast not in front of everyone, but Ian had her curiosity piqued. He had had a certain glint in his eyes as he had spoken of the 'someone' he might be interested in, Kristen noticed and she wasn't going to let go of the subject till she had details from her brother.
They finished the dinner with Kristen serving everyone a freshly baked apple pie. Ian helped his sister clear the table, disregarding her insistence that could handle it herself. When Ian had cleared the last of the dishes off and brought them to Kristen in the kitchen, she caught him off guard by jumping straight into interrogation mode, "Ian, is there someone you like back in New York?"
"Kris, it isn't anything worth talking about."
"Ian, I am your sister!"
"Boy, I can't believe that for a person who doesn't want to talk about it, I have already broached this subject twice!"
"Who else did you talk to?"
"Nobody you know."
"Ian, you are being so cryptic. I know that you don't share much but you and I have always been so close, I would love to know about a special someone in your life."
Ian gave in and replied evenly, "She isn't a special someone in my life."
"What do you mean?"
"Kris...she is...Jake's girlfriend."
Kristen's eyes widened in amazement. In all the years that Ian and Jake had been friends she had never seen Ian conflicted over anything as much as this. His expression was of pure perplexity. She didn't know how to ease her brother's agitation. "She is his girlfriend and you like her?"
"When you say it like that it makes me feel like a horrible person!"
"Ian you aren't. Ok? Are they serious, Jake and this girl?"
"Not really...they like each other but they have only been out a couple of times....It is strange, Kris. I don't even know her all that well. But whatever I do know of her I really seem to like. This has never happened before. I don't get it...I haven't felt like this about anyone before! Which is why discussing this is so unnerving...." Ian had this quizzical expression on his face as if he was at a loss to explain how he was reacting to Tara in particular.
"Does she have a name, this girl?"
"Beautiful name, seems like you are head over heels."
"Be realistic. I don't even know her."
"But whatever you feel...doesn't it make it worthwhile to explore this more...?"
"She is my best friend's girlfriend!"
"You told me yourself, they are not serious. And Jake's the kind of guy who moves from one relationship to the next in no time. Why don't you talk to him about this? I am sure when he finds out you are interested in her as much as you are, he'll likely break off his relationship with her."
"Mabel, also said the same thing to me."
"The estate agent, you were on a business lunch with? You talked about Tara with her? You really like this girl, Ian."
Ian shrugged his shoulders, "I am not that into her. It is just that Mabel is more of a friend than a client."
"Ian, talk to Jake."
"I think I will have to."

Ian boarded the red eye back to New York. Sleep came to him as soon as the jet took off. But the last thoughts before sleep were that of Tara and how she'd feel in his arms. He knew he was going to go home and then go meet Jake, he was going to have to tell him and he was going to have to face the consequences - whatever they may be.

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