Chapter 3: Medicines Often Do the Trick

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"How bad is it?" Tara asked with concern as she saw Rachel walk out of her bedroom.
"Oh, it's bad Tars, it's awful." Rachel replied looking every bit as sick as she felt. "I think I am going to puke."
"I should make you some tea? Maybe an Advil will help...." Tara retrieved the pills from a kitchen drawer.
"Try two!" Rachel suggested weakly.
Tara took out two pills and put them in her friend's palm and then she handed her a glass of water.
"Thanks." Rachel quickly gulped down the water and the medicines, fearing another wave of nausea coming up.
Tara witnessed her friend's haggard appearance; Rachel's eyes had serious dark circles underneath, her face looked unusually pale and her hair and clothes were disheveled. Tara decided to let her friend know that her self-destructive behaviour needed to end. "This has to stop, Rach. You are going to make yourself seriously sick if you continue down this path. He is not worth all this heartache. It is time, Rach. You have to try to move on."
A tear trickled down Rachel's cheek, "Tara, this is so freakin' hard! You have no idea! I thought that when I married, it was going to last forever...turns out forever only lasts two years!"
Tara reached out and hugged her friend,  "I won't pretend to understand what you are going through, but if I have ever seen anyone pulling themselves out of a difficult situation, it is you! You have done it before and you can do it again and you have my complete support. Time will heal these wounds...but for now, you need courage, you need to pick yourself up. And I know you can, Rach!"
Rachel wiped the tears off her face, "You are a gem, you know that, right?"
"Yes, I am quiet aware." Tara smiled and winked at her friend, as Rachel left her embrace. "I don't want to see you crying now, ok?"
"Yeah..." Rachel sighed and then fell silent for long minute. "...Did you meet a guy last night?"
Tara held back her giggle, "I am shocked that you remember any part of what went down last night."
"Don't be a wisecrack! You did meet a guy, didn't you?" Rachel inquired, suddenly curious. "I remember a handsome face, with shockingly blue eyes!"
"Man, do you know how to describe the opposite sex, no let's say 'objectify' not 'describe'." Tara laughed with abandon.
"Tara Marie Jones, you will not be coy with me. Spill the beans...immediately!"
"Ok! Ok! Yes, I did meet someone. And yes, his eyes were blue, but not the hypnotic blue you are describing...he was handsome though." Tara blushed a little as she described Jake to her friend. She concluded that the hypnotic blue eyes Rachel was referring to belonged to Jake's friend.
Rachel gave Tara a half smile. "Go on, don't stop on my account. I am fully immersed in this conversation."
"What do you wanna know, Rach?"
"Ok, now, lemme see...what did you guys talk about? Was he into you? Are you going to see each other again? Lots of questions come to mind!"
"We talked about the usual stuff. He seemed to be into me...he said he'd call." Tara felt like a school girl crushing over the jock in her class.
"This shows promise!" Rachel beamed with positivity.
"You think?!" Tara asked, feeling unsure.
"I know!" Rachel remarked with sheer confidence.
Tara relaxed a little knowing that her friend was finally thinking of something other than her horrible ex. She didn't want to say anything to Rachel, but she was hoping Jake would give her a call.

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