Chapter 10: Home

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Ian sat in the first class cabin on the British Airways, enroute to London. He wore a blue blazer and cream colored pants, held the day's newspaper as he  skimmed through current affairs, and had a champange glass placed in front of him on the tray-table. He had his legs stretched and was immersed in perusing an article on unrest in the Middle East. To an onlooker, he looked like a model, shooting for a magazine cover. An older woman in his adjacent cabin eyed him with obvious desire and chose to strike up a conversation, "May I know what has you so engaged?"
He looked up at her, shaking up the woman further, "Just the news today." He smiled at her and then extended his hand to her, "Hi, I am Ian."
She didn't hesitate to clasp him, "Mabel West. Any special reason for which you are heading to London?"
"Business!...And family."
"Will I be correct to assume that you are a British man living in the U.S.?"
"Yes, I have been living in America for a long time now."
"And what do you do, Ian?"
"I head an advertising agency in New York, Blaine Advertising."
"Really?...You are Ian Blaine!" She exclaimed in visible excitement, "I have heard so much about you! I am a real estate agent in the Hamptons." Saying this she opened her bag and produced her business card, handing it to Ian, "I might require your services in the near future, Ian."
Ian gave a quick glance to the card in his hand, "You will be happy to know that we have run some very popular marketing campaigns for New York's top real estate brokers in the past!"
"Yes, I am aware of that. You were highly recommended by a very close friend, and what a coincidence, we end up crossing paths in the sky!"
Ian gave her a winsome grin.
Mabel stared at Ian intently, "Ian...may I be honest with you about something?"
"You are unusually handsome!"
He laughed at that, he didn't know what to say to her, "Unusually?"
"Yes, because to be this handsome is most uncommon!" Mabel stated matter-of-factly.
Ian laughed some more, "You are too kind, Mabel."
"And also truthful!" Mabel interjected.
Ian had a glint in his eyes as he looked upon her, smiling.
"Ian, might I have your number and business card? I am in London for a few weeks...I would love to meet you here as well before conducting business with you back home."
"Of course, I am here for two weeks and then I will be heading back...." She handed him her cellphone and he typed in his number. Ian then took out his wallet and handed her his business card.
"It has been most fortuitous running into you like this!", proclaimed Mabel as the air hostess informed the passengers that the flight was about to land in London.

The moment Ian got off the flight he inhaled a good deal of London air, home was always a special place to him. He planned to meet his sister and grandmother while he was here.
And he also planned to visit the graves of his parents.
Ian decided to call his sister from the airport, letting her know of his arrival, "Hey gorgeous! Calling you from Heathrow! I will be at your place in 30. No, you don't need to send a car, I'll get a taxi from here. Sure, see you!"
Ian hailed a cab after heading out of the front, main exit at Heathrow. He got in and let the driver know his sister's address.
The cab dropped Ian off in front of a victorian style Islington home. He walked along the stone path and reached the front door, ringing the bell. The door opened immediately.
"Ian!" Kristen wrapped her brother in a fierce hug.
Ian, who had been holding his breath for the past few seconds finally exhaled and joyfully exclaimed, "That's a lot of affection for being a British! Don't you think so?"
"You are seeing me after two years, Ian! And I shouldn't even hug?" His sister finally let him go, wiping her face of a tear that chose to drop down her face.
Ian saw that his sister was trying very hard not to cry, so he congenially added, "Well, I suppose, it is appropriate!"
Kristen looked up into her brothers eyes, punching his shoulder in affection, "You are so good at staying busy, you hardly have any time for your family!"
"I am sorry. I know I should visit more often, but I do stay in touch over the phone! Now, aren't you going to invite me in?"
Kristen stepped aside to let her brother enter her home. Ian came inside and placed his luggage next to the door. "Where are my niece and nephew?"
"Out in the backyard, playing football with their father."
Ian, didn't say a thing to her after that and headed straight for the door leading to the backside of her house. When he opened the door, Ian's niece and nephew stood facing their father, their backs towards him. His nephew, Aaron, was positioning himself to kick the football and his father stood guarding the goal. Ian signalled his brother-in-law to remain quiet by putting his finger on his lips, and lunged towards his niece and nephew. He scooped both of them up in each of his arms as the kids shrieked in shock and surprise before realizing that it was their uncle who had grabbed a hold of them.
"Uncle, we are so going to get you for this!" Beatrice shouted as Ian hoisted both her and Aaron up on his shoulders, sprinting through the lawn.
"You guys can never get me, I am not putting you down!" Ian yelled as he gave the kids a ride.
Kristen stared at the heart-warming scene in her backyard, flashes of memories came rushing back - her father also used to lift her and Ian up like that, and their mother watched on. She looked at her brother now, wishing that one day he have a family of his own, a loving home, where he would also find peace and solace.

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