Chapter 41: Gratification

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Ian couldn't believe Calvin Cada's nerve, he firmly held Tara's hand, taking her scurrying (along with him) through the police station. The asshole thought it was alright to go badmouthing Ian to people he had just met! An age old rivalry and he still held grudges like a bloody highschool boy!
Ian felt his blood boil as Calvin's words played over in his mind, 'I'd advice you to cut off all ties with Blaine....' The fact that Calvin was more concerned about Ian, and whom Tara socialized with, on the day of his brother's passing said a lot about him as a person. He was self-centered; a man whose world didn't exist beyond him. Every problem was minuscule compared to what Calvin Cada was going through. It had always been this way, always.
Just like Ian, Calvin also liked hanging with the wrong kind of crowd in highschool and there had been instances where him and his crew had crossed paths with Ian and his gang of hoodlums. In one such episode Calvin was beating the hell out of an older member of the Scarecrows (the name of the biker gang Ian belonged to) when Ian pounced on him and broke his jaw and roughed him up so bad, Calvin had to stay in the hospital for several days. After this incident, Calvin proclaimed war against Ian, he told Jake that Ian had it out for the Cadas and couldn't be trusted and it was this belief that travelled with him to adulthood and was solidified when he found out about Ian and Brooke and later about how (according to Brooke) Ian had cast her aside when he had had his fun.
Jake was always on Ian's side through this, he knew that Calvin was the one who initiated the attack on the older member of Ian's gang and if Ian hadn't stopped him, he would have probably killed the poor fellow. Jake also knew that it was Brooke who had stringed Ian along and not the other way around but since Calvin always believed what Calvin chose to believe, Ian was always the one at fault.
Calvin had always warned Jake about Ian, he believed that one day Ian would betray him as well -- and well, Ian acknowledged, maybe he had been right; Ian did steal Tara away from Jake...and now he was dead. Ian hadn't even been able to tell him his side of things. Jake had died hating him.
Calvin was trying to drag the past out into the present and Ian wasn't having any of it. He wanted Tara to stay away from Calvin, he didn't want her exposed to all this negativity. He didn't want her to create a false impression of him - or an unfavorable one. He didn't want Tara to think she had options; he didn't want her to think that being with him was probably a bad idea! "Ian, did you do this?" She had said. She doubted him...and it irked him deeply that she did.
Ian knew he had been in a most compromising position when Tara had found him near Jake's dead body; he had been lost, out of his mind, but he wouldn't have expected Tara to say what she had said. Did his darkness show? Could Tara see his soul and therefore thought him capable of murder?! From the way the police had questioned him, it was fairly obvious they were trying to prove that he was the murderer. The actual murderer, had wiped the crime scene clean with bleach - the police had related that much to him when they had questioned him; they weren't able to gather much evidence from the scene, the murder weapon was also missing. Ian realized they didn't have anything on him, or anyone else! In his mind, he quickly scanned all the people who might have had minor grudges against Jake. He and Jake had dealt with all kinds of folks over the years; Ian gloomily realized that none of them were capable of murder.
His best friend had been murdered and no one was any closer to finding out who had done it. If the police couldn't do their job right, he would just have to find whoever did this, himself.
Ian dragged Tara out of the police station, they crossed a sliding glass door, climbed down three marble stairs, rushed through the parking lot, reached close to Ian's car and then Ian finally halted. He turned around to face Tara and saw her trying to catch her breath.
"I don't remember receiving a memo to run a marathon!" Remarked Tara through her panting.
Ian smiled inspite of himself and still held on to her hand, "Tara, whatever Calvin said in there...."
"Ian, I don't know Calvin. I know you. I want to trust you. I have been hearing all this strange talk in there, the detective's trying to connect you to Jake's murder...and then Calvin shows up and tells me I should stay away from you...."
Ian wasn't murdeous by nature but in this instance he thought he would surely wring Detective Kelly and Calvin's neck. Calvin's past resentment and Detective Kelly's poor deduction skills were going to create problems between him and the woman he desperately wanted. "Tara, do you want to...stay away?"
Her expressions unveiled her weak resolve. Her forehead creased as he saw her struggle to declare the answer she had already reached in her mind. He knew what she was going to say and it thrilled him beyond reason! God! What was it about this woman? She could drive him nuts with this look of pure innocence on her face! And unlike the past, he could reach out and touch. Kiss. Hold. Caress.
"No!" Came Tara's utterly timid response.
There was smile in Ian's eyes. She wanted him, just as he wanted her. Calvin and Kelly could go to hell! For now. Normally, he wouldn't pay heed to the negativity around him, but these men had come after Tara. They had somehow been able to recognize his weakness...he was going to have to deal with them.
Ian didn't say anything to Tara in reply. Instead, just for a minute, chose to lose himself in her eyes. Tara, stood in front of him, emotionally, naked. She told him she couldn't stay away. Just knowing that gave him the kind of pleasure he didn't know he could experience. He had obsessed over her for so long. He had fell for her so hard. So fucking hard...and now she was telling him she couldn't stay away either!
"...Let's not discuss this right now, Ian", came Tara's nervous demand. "Could you take me home, I would like to go ho..." she paused to ruminate and then continued, "I don't have a home...I'll head to Rachel's...."
"No! First thing tomorrow I am having your stuff moved out of Jake's apartment and into mine, you'll stay with me till you have your apartment situation figured out!" Ian could see Tara was about to argue but he let go of her arm and encircled her waist and brought her in for a warm, hungry kiss.
He felt a current pass through him, she was going to be in his bed tonight. And for many nights to come and if he had it his way, once she moved in, he wasn't ever going to let her leave. But he wasn't going to scare the hell out of her by letting her know that just yet.
There were so many things he needed to explain to her, so many misconceptions she had needed to be cleared. He wanted to tell her everything, to lose himself completely in her. He was going to tell her of his chequered past, of his path down darkness. He wanted her to know it all. He wanted her to make an informed decision. He wanted her to know what she was getting in to. He remained desperately optimistic that after hearing everything, she was still going to choose to stay with him.
"Ian, it will all be too much...I mean what if I am not able to find an apartment for weeks!"
"You'll be with me for weeks then."
"I'll be a distraction!"
"Yes! Of the best kind!"

Tara got into Ian's car and they headed to Ian's apartment. A nervous electricity ran through the air and Ian felt all charged with anticipation. When they reached home, Ian went around to open the car door for her. The elevator opened on to the top most floor and they both got out together.
Ian opened the door to his place, the moment he stepped in, was the moment Tara encircled him in a fierce hug from behind. The gesture took Ian by surprise and electricity travelled up and down him. He put his hand over hers and caressed it and then loosened her embrace to turn around and look at her, "Tara!"
Tara had tears in her eyes; the day had taken its toll on her. There were dark circles under her eyes and she looked exhausted. Ian didn't think for a moment, he reached down around her waist and legs and lifted her up in his arms. The gesture left Tara stunned. "I can walk...Ian. You have had a rough day...."
Ian silenced her with a kiss and then spoke to her in the softest tone he could manage, "I will take care of you, my sweet."
Ian carried her to the bathroom and put her down gently on a marble bench beside the luxurious, white marble tub. He ran the water from a gold faucet into the tub. He reached out and gently unhooked the buttons on Tara's shirt. As the shirt came loose, he slid it down her shoulders. The action revealed a maroon lace bra to his view. The shirt was still tied at her waist, beneath the skirt. He unzipped Tara's skirt from the side and the shirt loosened around her waist. He then unbuttoned the shirt completely and grazed her silken arms as he removed it off her. He looked at Tara then, she held an impossibly pure and innocent expression on her face and he couldn't help but kiss her passionately before continuing any further. He unhooked her bra and placed it over the shirt, on the edge of the bench. Ian got working on Tara's skirt next. As he held the top edge of the fabric and began taking it off, Tara stood up to her full length to make the task easier for him. The skirt slipped right off her smooth, shapely legs.
Ian became at eye level with Tara's crotch as she stood to her full height in front of him. He placed his hands on either side of her panties and the soft material slid off stroking the sides of her legs. The panties lay in shambles on the floor.
The bathtub, Ian noticed, was half-filled. Her crotch was in his face. Tara reached out to touch his hair affectionately at the same time as he brought his mouth to Tara's center. She quivered as he kissed her between her legs. Tara brought her hands to the sides of Ian's shoulder for support and Ian opened her legs for easier access. He kissed her and licked her center as Tara gasped for air. The onslaught continued till Tara's breathing became heavy and labored. When she came, her cry was a painfully ecstatic shriek. Satisfied, Ian lifted her up and put her in the bath tub. He sat beside the tub and massaged her body with soap and water. When Ian had scrubbed her clean from head to toe, he lifted her and wrapped her in his bath towels and carried her to his bed and gently lay her down. He ripped off his clothes and lay down on the bed next to her. Tara reached out to him and covered his hand with her own. The simple gesture warmed Ian to his very core. Sleep came to both of them at about the same time. Ian Blaine's house finally felt like a home.

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