Chapter 13: Moving Forward

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Tara was behind the cash register handing change to a customer when a man walked in and began assessing the flower arrangements beautifully decked on a long, rectangular table in her shop. He was a serious-looking, middle-aged, bespectacled man, who seemed completely lost as he inspected a bunch of roses.
"May I help you with something?" Tara called to him, as the previous customer took his change and flowers and headed out of the shop.
The man looked up, with utter confusion imprinted on his face, "Oh...yes! I am here to buy flowers for my wife. It is our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary."
"Twenty-fifth! Wow!" Saying this Tara left her place behind the cashier's desk to go to the man's side. "Congratulations! What did you have in mind?"
"Well, I want her to know that even though it's been twenty-five years (where she has constantly nagged me about my lack of romantic gestures) I can't wait to spend the next twenty-five with her!"
His reply warmed Tara's heart, "What are your plans, if you don't mind me asking."
"I was thinking of taking her to the diner where we had our first date."
"That is a great idea. How about going there a day in advance and letting them in on your plan? You can have a booth decorated and reserved for the date!"
"That sounds like something she would really like!"
"She is going to love it! Trust me! Now, tell me, what's her favorite flower?"
"She has always been partial to pink roses."
"Well, then, now you know what arrangement she will prefer!"
"You work awfully quickly! You solved all my problems, just like that!" He snapped his fingers together as he said those words and, smiled, thinking that his wife indeed loved pink roses.
"Hmm...let's see then. I think I will grab these rouge pink roses and the cherry red ones and come up with an arrangement that won't disappoint!" Saying this Tara grabbed two dozen pink and a dozen red roses and went to the assembly station to wrap them in a beautiful bouquet.
The man stood there admiring Tara's dexterity and when he was handed the bouquet and he paid for it, he couldn't help but thank her one more time for all her effort and helpful suggestions.
"I know decorating a booth would be a very small task for an accomplished florist like you, but could you, perhaps, recommend someone who can do that?"
Tara felt humbled by his praise and replied, "If you want the diner booth decorated, I will do it for you myself!"
"Oh!...Really?" And then he hesitantly continued, "...but my dear, as much I would love that, I don't think I ought to spoil the wife that much!"
His reluctance made Tara conclude that he might not want the decoration because he couldn't afford her services. When Tara spoke again, she took care to show obvious interest in the task, lest the man think that she wanted to offer her services out of pity, "I will do it free of charge! You have to let me do this. Consider it an anniversary gift from my side. It isn't everyday that a couple celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, and I want to make it special for the both of you!"
The man looked utterly grateful and relieved, "Oh, but you are too kind, this is too much!"
"No, it isn't! And you don't you worry about any details! I will get in touch with the folks at the diner. It will be amazing, believe me!"
He smiled, "Oh, I know it will. Now that you will be doing the arrangements!...Are you married, dear?"
Tara's thoughts immediately drifted to Jake, "No, but, I am thinking of moving in with my boyfriend soon!"
"I see, things are serious between you two then?...Is he the one?"
Tara blushed, "I wish that he will be...what's the key? How does one make one's relationship a success?"
"Well, dear, I don't think there is ever a set of rules, Mrs. and I, we have always found a reason to stick with each other as opposed to finding reasons to drift away. We have worked through all our downs - together, and have celebrated our ups."
"Your advice is so real. People usually sugarcoat what marriage is like, but thank you for imparting heartfelt wisdom to me! I wish I am half as lucky as you at finding love!"
"You are an amazing person, dear. I am sure when the time comes, it'll last a lifetime!"
"I hope so too."
"Have faith!"
She smiled at him and jotted down all the details regarding the anniversary venue and details of what his wife might like in terms of decor. When the man left her shop, Tara felt like seeing Jake immediately, she wanted to let him know that she'd move in with him, she had made up her mind.
Tara knew she was in love with Jake, so moving in was the right decision. She had always been very pragmatic and was not given in to emotional overtures, so finally admitting to having feelings for Jake was a big deal for her. She felt giddy each time she was in his company, which was a sign that she was meant to be with him. She wanted to immerse herself deeper into the love she felt for him, by being near him, by living with him.
Tara dialed Jake's number, it rang twice before he picked up, "Hello, Tara?"
"Jake! Hi! I hope I didn't disturb you at work?!"
"Tara, babe, you could never disturb me. What's up?"
"Well...I called you to let you know something."
"You have my full attention, dove."
Tara's heart skipped a beat, "I will move in with you."
Jake replied, rejoiced, "You don't know how happy you have made me Tara!"
Tara smiled into the phone, "I am glad to hear you say that."

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