Chapter 47: A Little Piece of Heaven

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Ian peeked at his Bvlgari GMT watch for the fourth time as he rang the door bell at Jones's quaint, suburban home. It was fourty past nine in the morning and Ian felt extensively proud of himself for making the two hour journey from Manhattan to Greenport in record time. He had woken Tara up at six and rushed her through her morning rituals so that they could take the Long Island Expressway at a time when the traffic was bearable. The early hour wasn't just for the sake of traffic though, Ian wished to get out of the city as early as possible. He wished to have some respite - from the sorrow of losing a friend, from the fear of losing Tara and from the dread of losing himself. Ian couldn't even imagine a possibility where something might happen to Tara, so leaving, even for a few days, felt like an immediate solution -- a permanent one, meant capturing of the killer; for which, visiting the house in Montauk was absolutely essential. Ian just wished their hunch was right and that they were finally going to figure out who was behind all this.
The Jones' home was the quintessential example of an idyllic, old-world abode with its finely trimmed bushes and a neat display of array of flowers on either side of the main door of the house. The exterior of the home was a modest, homely white with grey painted over the window panes. A winding cobblestone pathway led from the driveway to the front door which was painted the same shade of white as the house. The door, which had a gilded '46' in cut numbers displayed on it (along with a gold letter plate), had a multicolored wreath decorated on top. The white house was nestled in a whirlwind of color, presenting a very fetching contrast. Ian surmised that the exterior of the house was a representation of its owners; they loved beauty in their surroundings, exactly like their daughter. No wonder, Tara was a florist. Her job was beautifying the ordinary and she was damn good at it too! The talent had passed down from the parents, Ian concluded.
Greenport was greener than central New York. The view had become wide and open once they had left the confines of the city and as they approached Long Island, the road had travelled alongside the water and beautiful beaches. The air had also become cleaner and damper. With most houses boasting low, white fences and neatly clipped hedges, Greenport presented a picture of simple, harmonious life. A life that had been foreign to Ian for quite some years.
As Ian anxiously contemplated ringing the doorbell a second time, Tara covered Ian's hand with her own and remarked buoyantly, "how come you seem nervous?"
"I don't seem nervous, I am nervous!" Ian replied in all honesty.
Tara stifled a laugh, "Ian Blaine, the man who has a reputation for being a shark in the business world, is anxious and edgy standing outside his girlfriend's parents home!"
"You say it like an advert in a paper!"
Tara laughed, "it will be quite a shocker for people to discover Ian Blaine's Achilles heel."
Ian looked her over with delight and affection, "Tara, I think you know what my one, true weakness is!"
Tara stared in Ian's eyes with adoration. Ian captured her at the waist and gave her a thorough kiss.
Tara wasn't aware but this was the first time Ian was visiting a girlfriend's parents and the first time he had felt this unsure of himself. Even in his longer relationships, he had never got to the point where it became incumbent upon him to visit the parents; the one or two times that he was asked to do so by former girlfriends, he had made some excuse to avoid the situation altogether or, more drastically, ended the relationship! This was the first time in his life that he had volunteered to go meet a girl's parents. But then again, it was also the first time he had felt a connection deeper than ever before; the first time he had become enchanted, enraptured...obsessed. What was it about Tara - maybe it was everything, all of her -- every bit of her inside as well as every bit of her outside. Was it possible to be so totally captivated, so completely absorbed, so absolutely bewitched?! He wanted her, for him, with him -- forever; as long as his forever was.
It was Tara's mother who opened the door to Ian and Tara, "Tara! Oh my darling." She gave Tara a fierce hug, "I am so happy to see you."
When she released her from the embrace, Ian found Tara's mother's eyes suspiciously damp.
Tara noticed it too and she hugged her once more, "Oh mom! Look at me, I am ok, there's nothing wrong with me!"
The look in her mother's eyes was pure affection, "You should have called, honey!"
"I know, I am really sorry!" Tara then looked towards Ian, "Mom, I want you to meet someone. This is Ian Blaine. He and I are...together. I am staying at his apartment these days."
Ian extended his hand to her mother, "nice to meet you, Mrs. Jones."
Her mother seemed like a hugger for she ignored Ian's outstretched hand and embraced him instead, "Welcome to our home, Ian and thank you for taking my daughter in in the time of a crisis."
Ian felt warmed by her friendliness, "Please, Mrs. Jones. There's no need to thank me."
"Call me, Judith!"
Tara's mother was smiling from ear to ear; Ian started to relax, noticing her demeanor. Judith seemed like a woman who enjoyed being around people, but when she spoke up again, Ian figured that her smile was not just because she was a good hostess -- "Ian, people must tell you how remarkably good looking you are! Not that I notice a person's looks any more than the next person" and then she looked at Tara, "...but Tara...don't you think so?" After which she again adressed Ian, "You can easily be mistaken for a model with those cheekbones!"
"Mom, stop it! You are making him uncomfortable!" Tara said blushing profusely.
Ian was feeling uncomfortable with the topic of the conversation. Whenever people started commenting on how good looking he was - it always made him embarrassed but he sure as hell wasn't going to make Tara's mother feel like she had said something inappropriate to him so he firmly declared, "Tara, she isn't making me feel uncomfortable!"
Ian graciously smiled at Tara's mother and her mother beamed in response.
Ian had felt a bit hesitant meeting Tara's parents but her mother had managed to put him at ease. Her warm welcome and unexpected adoration had made him feel a lot more confident. Ian reckoned that meeting Tara's father was going to be the tricky part, men were always protective of their daughters and Ian expected Richard to be nothing short of interrogatory. He felt, her father would want to know in detail what kind of man Tara had chosen to bring home - Ian felt up to the challenge because he had already unwittingly impressed her mother!
Ian was pleasantly surprised by Tara's father. The man was large and burly, with an easy-going, congenial manner. Instead of cross- examining him, as Ian had originally believed he would, the man hospitably welcomed him to his home. The Jones's, Ian discovered, were incredibly gracious people.
"Ian, I admire a man who achieves success through hard work. I have followed your career for many years. You have been in the news for some time now!" Richard remarked over drinks in the den, after a scrumptious lunch.
Ian was astonished by Richard's admission. It seemed Ian's reputation had preceded him. "Richard, you must watch the news quite a lot to be aware of me!"
"You don't have to be bashful! I like to keep myself updated with what's going on in the world, and...I am really sorry about Jake. Your company has received some negative press because of his...passing."
"Yes...but we will weather the storm. There has been a drop in our share price but I know it is temporary. I owe it to Jake to see our company through this setback!"
Richard nodded his head in agreement and understanding and then spoke up after a contemplative pause, "Ian, Tara hasn't brought home many guys but out of the ones that visited, you have my vote!"
Tara's father's vote of confidence reminded Ian of his own parents - he had also been raised in a happy, loving home. Even when he was living in the U.S. his parents called him often to check up; his mother asked him if he was eating right and his father wanted to know how he was progressing at college. Both his parents were always supportive and encouraging of him. The welcome Tara's parents gave Ian, reminded him of his own parents and filled his heart with a strange warmth.

Ian carried with him a small suitcase as he followed Tara up the stairs of her childhood home. She led him to her bedroom and they both stepped inside.
As Ian put the luggage by the door, he playfully questioned Tara, "So you don't bring many guys home?"
"Yes, I have been known to be picky in the past! My college boyfriend came home with me and my dad absolutely detested him!"
"What?! But Richard is such a friendly man! There must have been something wrong with the guy?!"
Ian saw her eyes twinkle as she reminisced over fond memories of her college days. "He was a character! He had views on everything! The guy was a republican from Boston! I remember a raging political debate, followed by one on baseball and by the end of our visit, my dad had concluded that I had brought him home just to spite him!"
"And did you?"
"No! Never! I thought I was gaining culture through his company!"
"Why would you think that?!"
"I don't know. I was young, idealistic. He had a voice and a lot of opinions. I aspired to being someone with those qualities. I was a freshman at the time, he was a senior!...Ian, I have to be father really liked you!"
Ian laughed a hearty laugh, "I am really glad to know that, Tara...and what do you think your mother feels about me?"
"I see you like to hear your praise! You are well aware that my mom developed a huge crush on you back at the main door!"
Ian laughed out loud, "Tara! You are talking about the woman who gave birth to you...and the man you are dating!"
"I know all that...but I also know a woman in lust and she was hot for you!"
Ian laughed some more, "Well, I am more concerned about whether her daughter's hot for me or not!"
"Her daughter was hot for you the moment she laid eyes on you...what can I say, like mother like daughter!"
Ian looked at her completely startled, "Tara are you serious? The first time we met..."
"Was in the club where Jake bought me drinks, you came over to our cab and leaned down to have a look inside. I remember looking at you, the first time."
"I was jolted by you, Ian. A woman would have to be blind not to be jolted by you! You are the kind of man one has to look at twice, but one is entranced just by the first glance!"
Ian felt his blood surge through his veins, "Tara do you wanna be taken on that bed, right now? Why do you say such sexy things without a care for consequence?"
"Ian, I am aware of the consequences and fully accept the ramifications of my amorous desires..."
Ian captured her mouth in a hungry kiss that robbed Tara of her breath and composure.
He tossed her gently over her bed and got on top. He kissed her all over, devouring her with his mouth. She sighed his named and he brought his mouth to the center of her, stroking her with fingers and then his tongue. He made her come as she spoke his name and clutched to his shoulders and then he thrusted fiercely and repeatedly into her, till he found the pleasure of release.

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