Chapter 5: Sweet, Hot Dreams

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He felt her thighs graze his legs. They felt so soft, so very soft. She rode him slowly, beautifully. Her rhythm made his breathing harder, and faster. She clutched her breasts as she took in a sharp breath...she was at ease, encapsulating him fully. He stared at the marvel that was her, the pleasure of having her on him like that, made him ache for release. He grabbed her from behind and gently guided her descent on him. She was a fine horsewoman, taming her wild beast.
He tossed his head left and then right. She rode him slowly and pleasurably. She intended on torturing him. He was enjoying this sweet torment. He knew he was about to come...
Ian's cellphone rang, waking him up from his insanely hot dream. His hand shot to his side table to see who had decided to bother him at this ungodly hour. He checked his alarm clock to find that it was close to thirty minutes past six in the morning. He decided to answer the call after the caller ID displayed Jake's name.
"Douche! Why are you up so early?" Ian asked Jake, cursing him in silence and speech.
"Dude, I am just getting home...I thought I'd let you know how things went down last night." Jake sounded overly jovial to Ian. He decided to let him know that jovial or not, he still was one crazy asshole.
"Jake, my boy, I don't need minute by minute detail of your dating life. I am an important person, you know. I have things I need to do in life. And your romantic escapades certainly do not make it ok for you to wake me at six-fucking-thirty in the morning!"
"You can't be this mad, man. You just can't. Not after you hear how wild last night was!"
"How wild was it?" Ian asked cautiously, dreading what he was about to hear.
"Ian, she rode me all night long, man. All night long. If somebody would have shot me between the eyes, I wouldn't have known...she was that good!"
"Really?" Ian asked trying to veil his jealousy.
"You doubtin' me?" Jake smirked on the other end of the line.
"I suppose not." Ian replied, suddenly feeling enraged.
"Great! Because you really shouldn't." Jake announced cordially.
Ian couldn't believe what he was hearing, here he was having dreams of her, naked and beautiful, while Jake was the one she had pleasured all night long. Ian started feeling strangely pained inside. He, it seemed, was attracted to the girl Jake was dating.

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