Happy Paintings

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Library, 10:34 PM

Zander POV

"So, what's the next clue?" I asked. I knew someone was going to die, so I didn't sound enthusiastic.

"Take a chemical that has a fade of transgender colours."

"Teal, white and pink," Luke noted.

"Take that chemical and don't spill a DROP. Go to the art class and paint a flower on a canvas and stay with it UNTIL the end of this round. If you fail to paint the flower on time, you will all PERISH."

"That doesn't really sound like a clue," Elliot pursed his lips.

"Yeah, more like step-by-step procedure on how to escape a school before a physco girl murders you." I wasn't in the mood to be shoved into another case.

"But there's two laboratories," Elliot complained.

"Zander and Luke will take the smaller one, the rest, along with me, will take the bigger one." Hailey answered. We all agreed and went to work.

Smaller Laboratory, 10:41 PM

Luke POV

( 🍂🍁Get ready Lander shippers🍁🍂 )

I sighed over thermos flasks, bunsen burners and boxes with other things inside, but I sill haven't found the chemical we needed. I also hoped the other three were doing fine.

I glanced at Zander. He was very quiet ever since we entered the laboratory, and was busy finding the chemical we needed. I approached him slowly.


He stayed silent.

"Zander? Can you hear me?"

He stopped then looked back at me. He didn't really seem happy, just a little upset.

"Luke, shouldn't you be finding that chemical right now?" He carefully set down a chemical.

"Yes, but I wanted to talk to you about something."

He sighed heavily. "Yes?"

"Zander, remember that time, before Sean died, you said you felt like I was distancing from you? That you feel like I don't like you anymore?"

Zander stiffened. "...Yeah, I remember."

"...Zander, I know Amelia showed you something. What did she do?"

Zander let out a breath, then explained to me what happened.


"I know what you're thinking." Zander spoke as he scavenged for the chemical. "But it's different. Everything felt different. I know, I believe a maniac more than myself, but even before that..."

"You felt that." I wasn't even mad at him. I was mad at myself. I was breaking his heart, and I didn't even notice. I wasn't even mad that much at Amelia either. She was right. I was distancing from him.

And I didn't even notice.

But one things for sure, I love Zander. "Zander, I've always loved you. You were there for me when I was down, and always had my back. I love you more than just a childhood friend."

"...You do...?"

"Of course I do," 

I offered him a sweet smile. "And no ones gonna change that. Not Amelia, not Stacy, no one."


"I promise."

He came to me then hugged me tight. 

The Halloween That Changed Everything- a TMF Fanfic [COMPLETED] [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now