Do or Die

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Hailey POV

I was shocked and absolutely paralyzed to see Sadie standing on the door. I mean, what was SHE doing HERE? 

Then something caught my breath.

...Sadie had the same hair colour as Amelia...

...Their eyes weren't matching but they were similar...

...All of their features matched...

...And their voice tone, pitch and accent matched, it was just that Amelia's was more alert...

It couldn't be, could it?

"...Sadie... is it really you? But what are you doing here..." I stammered.

"There's no time to explain. You two need to het out of here now. Amelia's future plans on you two could destroy everything." She said as she grabbed our hands and led us out to the hallways. They weren't as they were before, but they weren't very bright either. But we still could see through the halls.

"Why? What is she going to do to us?" Zander asked.

Sadie stopped and sighed. Then she looked back at us. "Amelia's planning to kill you both."

"Well, we already knew that."

"Not that only, she's using the recital."

"The... what...?Sadie sighed and explained to them:

"At the recital, the reciter has to kill a person and seven people that the person loves dearly. He or she has to start from nine o'clock until midnight and kill them in different rounds specifically divided. Only you should be doing this, as to signify your courage, power and energy. You should also obey the spirits who come to you. Disrespect any of them and you will sucked into another world, where you will never come back again. The ruler of those spirits is called the 'Henjin'."

She paused for a while. "There is a way to cast him in my mother's spell book. If you didn't manage to kill them all until midnight, he will give you exactly twenty minutes to kill them, but in cost he changes your appearance and you'll like a freak for the entire day. If you fail to kill them, he will take you to his main place and turn you into his slave, and you will never go back here ever again. In the last one or two victims, you create a special recital which makes all of the spirits the sent to join in. After his, her or their deaths, he will give you an unlimited amount of wishes you can grant until you die. See, Amelia wants this so that she can have everything to herself. This is also dangerous, since all her wishes can come with a cost to someone else, causing unstableness to the world. That's why no one cast the after the incident a few years before 200 AD. A woman named Ichika cast it but she didn't complete her recital, causing her to disappear with no trace. No one did it ever again. But at the 1500s, a man named Sora did it and completed it, but was burnt to death by villagers because he was too dangerous to be left alive. Up till that day, no one EVER did the recital. Only those two did it through time. That's why we need to stop her, NOW."

"Wow," I lay a hand on my stomach. "That's a LOT to memorize."

"Well, come on," Sadie muttered. "We need to get out of here."

As the reached the exit, Sadie stretched her hand out and whispered something. Suddenly the chains turned into dust and crumbled away. She opened it in a breeze.

"If my calculations are correct," she opened her spell book. "This spell might break the barrier and get us out of here. Then she recited something that sounded like in Japanese.

But when we tried going through, it wouldn't budge.

"Oh no..." she muttered.

"Why? What does that mean?" Zander asked.

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