Christmas Spirit

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Heyy everyone,

this is the First xReader fanfiction I have ever written so please don't be too hard on me. Furthermore English isn't my native language so I am sure that there will be mistakes in this story. I apologize for that :/ Yeah besides that it was a lot of fun to write this as I absolutely love Miss Peregrine. I hope you guys like it too and I'd be very happy if you would leave a comment

Have a great day and Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it :) <3

Pairing: Miss PeregrineXReader
Word count: 1450 words
Warnings: none

It was a peaceful morning. The birds were chirping and the cold winter air made the window foggy.

The sunlight hit your face and you opened your eyes slowly.

"It's still early, go back to sleep", a voice whispered and pushed you back down gently.

You sighed sleepily, opened your eyes completely and they instantly met warm green eyes.

"Why are you already up?", you asked. Alma smiled at you.

"I have to start preparing breakfast but you should go back to sleep", she said while leaning forward to give you a kiss on your forehead.

"Can't you stay a little longer?", you groaned.

You were already missing her warmth. She looked at you for some time and shook her head.

"You know I can't."

You pouted but her expression didn't change so you had to get bolder. You grabbed Alma's hand and pulled her abruptly towards you so she landed on top of you.

"Y/N!", Alma shrieked.

You couldn't help but giggle over her shocked face.

"Now while you are already laying here, you can also stay for five more minutes", you giggled.

Alma groaned, "I really have to g-" but you didn't let her finish and pulled her in for a kiss.

One kiss turned into more and more kisses until you two were fully making out on your shared bed. It was until you had to part from her to gasp for air.

"Are you already out of breath?", Alma teased.

You smiled widely and couldn't help but stare at her only to notice once again how adorable she looked with her rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. Her hair that she usually kept in a proper bun was now a complete mess.

"Don't you know that it's rude to stare", her voice pulled you out of your thoughts.

"I can't help it when you are so beautiful", you whispered, your smile only growing wider when you saw her blushing furiously.

With a short laugh, you grabbed her by her nightgown to pull her into another kiss. Your heart was pounding uncontrollably fast and you wished that you two could stay like this forever, but of course, that wasn't the case and you two parted again after what felt way too early for you.

"I really have to go now. I'm already late because of you", Alma whispered and stood up.

"It's not like you didn't enjoy it", you teased her.

She raised an eyebrow and shook her head lightly.

"No, I quite enjoy driving you crazy, my dear, but nonetheless I have twelve kids who will be up in the next hours", Alma replied with a smile on her face.

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