Chapter 4

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"We are going to eat dinner in a half an hour, so you're going to have to take a break in the middle of the movie," Jay turned on the Blue-Ray player and waited for the options menu to pop up on the big screen TV. The 72 inch plasma screen TV was his one big purchase, it was the only time he had truly spoiled himself since his daughter was born. It was mounted above the fireplace, and it was a sight for sore eyes, if he did say so himself.

"Daddy, can we have popcorn with the movie?" Maddie asked from her spot on the large leather couch.

"When you come back after dinner to watch the second half you can have popcorn, okay?" He replied, pressing play. The introduction to the movie illuminated the screen.

Erin watched as he adjusted the volume on the TV and placed down the remote. He took the brown throw blanket from the back of the leather couch and placed it over both girls, careful not to block their view of the movie. She watched in awe; he was quite the dad.

She felt her phone buzz in her back pocket, and not wanting to interrupt the movie, she walked into the kitchen to take the call. "Hey, how's it going?"

"It's going slow," Hank answered gruffly. He sounded like he was calling her from the car, and he did not sound like he was in a good mood. "How'd it go with Jay and the kid?"

"Good. I'm still here, Jay just finished up all the paperwork. I think I have everything I need."

"You're not going to file it yet though, right?" Concern leaked into his voice.

"Right." She replied. "I think Grace will do well here, Jay seems like a good dad." She knew Hank was working and he was definitely stressed, but she just couldn't help it. The statement, or really the inquiry, just slipped out. She really wanted to know what Hank thought of his detective. Hank would never put someone in his unit that he didn't trust, but she wanted to hear him say those words.

"He is." He agreed.

She didn't speak right away, hoping he would elaborate and say something more. When he didn't, she realized it was probably time to let him get off the phone and get back to work. "Ok, well I'll let you go."

"Thanks for the help, kid." She was about to hang up when he added, "Oh, and at the rate this case is moving, I don't think I'll make it home for dinner tonight. But I'll still see you when I get you home, right?"

So that's why he called, she thought. Oh, Hank. Always worrying about her, even when he was stressed out and deep in a case. "I'll see you at home."

"Hey," Erin jumped at the sound of Jay's voice entering the room.

"Hey," she sighed out the word and looked down at her phone, hoping he couldn't see how flustered she was.

After Jay had finished setting up the movie and making sure the girls were comfortable, he had returned to the kitchen in search of Erin. He had found her just in time to hear the tail end of her phone conversation. His heart sank at the words... I'll see you at home. She wasn't wearing a ring, but at the very least it sounded like she had a boyfriend.

He knew he shouldn't be surprised. She was smart, caring, well-educated, and absurdly beautiful. Of course she had a boyfriend. One look at those hazel eyes and any man would fall over himself to be with her. "Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to stay for dinner, but I guess you have to get home," he said motioning towards her cell phone, signaling that he had heard the tail end of her call.

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